Chapter 42

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Music was blasting out of the speakers in the living room. There were empty cups and bottles littering the floor. Kids was passed out in corners and some were making out. To be honest Louis didn't miss this.

He came late knowing he didn't want to deal with the freshmen that always showed up right at the start, got smashed too quickly, and left early. But he knew his friends (were they still his friends?) would be here.

They probably claimed one of the many rooms in the large house as theirs. He made his way down the hallway and found them in a back den. The room wreaked of weed and was filled with gray smoke.

"Louis!" one shouted.

"Hey Stan," Louis greeted kindly.

Stan got up and swayed over to Louis. He grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug that Louis reciprocated.

"I missed you so much, mate. What happen to you?"

"Yeah, Lou, what happened to you?"

"Well hello to you too, Matt."

"Tommo," Matt replied sharply.

Another got up from a chair and hugged Louis. He had to leaned back to see who it was.

"Jamie. How've you been?"

"Shit. School's shit. But hey," he shrugged.

"I know what you mean. Capstone is kicking my ass."

Jamie laughed and patted Louis on the shoulder in agreement.

"Uh, has anyone seen Chaz?" Louis asked.

"He stayed home. Said he wasn't feeling it tonight. Had a weird day, he said," Matt informed him.

"Did he say what happened?" Louis questioned nervously.

"Didn't need to. We all know what's had him on edge for days now," Matt answered.

"What's that?"

"Louis," Stan called suddenly. Louis looked over and saw Stan motioning for him to come over. Louis walked over to him by the door. "You know we love you Louis. I've been your best friend since we were kids. No matter what happens I'll always be there."

"What's going on, Stan?"

"None of care that you're gay. We never have. But it's never come between our group before now."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Chaz saw you and Harry outside his apartment last week."

Louis shook his head to deny it but Matt yelled from the couch.

"How is he?"

Louis spun around and glared at Matt. "Excuse me?"

"I mean he must be willing as fuck. I bet he puts out easy."

Before Louis knew what he was doing he lunged over the back of the couch tackled Matt from behind. The two fell to the floor and Louis drew back and punched him square in the face before Matt could even get his bearings.

Too soon though Matt was pushing back Louis and swinging. He landed a few good hits while Louis did the same. Matt kneed Louis in the back and pushed him off.

He rolled over and sat on Louis' chest. Louis automatically brought his arms up to guard his face and Matt landed punch after punch, only one or two getting through.

Louis brought one arm down and swung up into Matt's ribs. Matt's breath woodshed out of him and Louis pushed him back on the floor.

Louis quickly got up and hovered over Matt's wheezing body. He gave one hard kick to his already sore ribs and yelled, "Touch him and I'll fucking kill you! And keep your fucking mouth shut about him!"

Louis found Jamie in the far corner and gave him an apologetic look. He walked to Stan and said, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. He's an asshole."

Louis gave him a sad smile and walked out.


Louis' face was swelling and he felt bruises forming on his back. He couldn't go to Harry's. He couldn't let him know what happened. But he needed someone to patch him up.

He drove down the dark street until he saw Liam's familiar house. His porch light wasn't on so it was pitch dark outside. He pulled up to the curb and made his was slowly to the door.

He knocked and waited. A few moments later Liam answered and his smile quickly faded to a look of concern. Lights were on inside so at least he didn't wake him.

"Tommo? What the fuck?" he ushered Louis inside and to the kitchen.

"Fucking asshole!" Louis shouted.

"Li, what's going on?" Zayn came around the corner.

"Sorry, mate. Did I wake you?" Louis asked.

"No, Louis. What the hell?"

"I'm fine."

"Louis you need to go," Zayn said suddenly.

"Zayn?" Liam was shocked.

"No, Lou. Harry's he-"

"Everything okay guys?" Harry came around the corner. "Louis?" Harry's voice broke.

Let Me Teach You Something (Larry Stylinson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz