Chapter 49

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The last few months of Capstone were excruciating. Louis and Harry never talked to each, barely looked at each, and thought about each other constantly.

They worked in the same group, and did their work like they knew they had to. There was no way that, after everything they'd been through to finish school, they'd fail now.

Liam and Zayn even kept a distance from each other when they were around the two because they didn't want to seem like they were rubbing their relationship in their faces.

Harry gravitated towards Niall to stay away from it as much as possible, but Louis gravitated towards Zayn and Liam because he prayed that their relationship would replace the one he used to have.

Harry found himself hating everything Louis did. Even the things he used to love. All of a sudden his crystal eyes were too blue, he hair was too soft, his ass too perfect. Like he was taunting Harry. Walking by him everyday, laughing with that perfect laugh when Niall said something stupid, flipping his fringe across his forehead.

He hated it all.

Louis didn't understand what he was doing wrong. It's like everything he did, in turn, made Harry more angry at him. He couldn't understand how someone could harbor such hatred towards someone without reason. Especially someone that said they once loved you.

Things got worse as the weeks went on. Soon Harry couldn't even stand to be in the same room as Louis. Louis would cough or sigh or sneeze, and Harry would huff and glare at him. Louis would give him a confused look and Harry would turn away.

Harry started turning in his work to one of the boys so he didn't have to go to the study sessions. He opted out of boys nights in case Louis came. The only time he saw him was in class, and he kept his eyes on the board or his laptop. He honestly was beginning to forget what Louis looked like.

Louis was so confused. He tried his best to stay out of Harry's way. He refused to let Harry affect the other areas of his life. He thrived in school, spending extra time on his work. He called his mom and sisters more. He got closer to the boys. He even started working out again.

That's how it went. No talking. No communication. And life went on. Painfully.


The senior dinner was tonight. Graduation was in a week. The dinner was a waste of time and energy. All the seniors were collected in the formal dining room.

They were divided by Capstone class, a group on each side, then sat alphabetically. So of course Louis and Harry were sat next to each other. This was the closest they'd been in months. And there were far too many people squeezed in a small table.

Harry's long legs didn't have anywhere to go, which meant he was pressed against Liam on his left and Louis on his right. He could feel Louis' thigh against his, strong but small.

He had his hands folded on the table in front of him, but if you looked close enough you could see his fingers clenched so tight that his knuckles were white.

Louis could feel Harry's leg. He was wearing those tight black jeans that he considered dress clothes because they didn't have any holes in them. The material was rough against Louis' soft black trousers.

Louis had his eyes closed in the dim light of the candles on the table. He hadn't feel any part of Harry in so long. He swore he could feel Harry's thigh muscles twitch. He didn't mean to but he pressed into Harry's leg to feel more.

Harry felt Louis shift just a little. Probably unnoticeable by anyone else, but Harry was hyper aware of every single breath Louis was taking right now. He pressed back without thinking, seeking that feeling he used to know.

Louis felt him press back. Was he telling Louis to shove off, or was he actually touching him? Louis didn't know what to do. He needed to feel more. So he lifted his leg up to stand of his toes and knocked his knee against Harry's.

Harry hand flew to Louis' knee. Louis stopped breathing and waited. "Stop, please," Harry asked. But he didn't sound mad or annoyed. He sounded needy. Like he meant the exact opposite of what he just said. So Louis took the risk and pressed into Harry's hand and his leg at the same time.

Harry made a whisper of a groan. Everyone was chatting and weren't paying even the slighted attention to them so no one heard it. But Louis did.

He put his hand gently on top on Harry's. Harry flinched like he was going to pull away, but didn't. Instead he squeezed Louis knee slowly but firmly.

Louis head lulled forward at the missed contact. He couldn't feel anything but Harry's hand and relief. Harry squeezed again and Louis' hand fell to his side in contentment.

With the new freedom Harry's hand slid a little higher on Louis' leg. Louis didn't dare move, afraid Harry would stop.

He didn't. He trailed his long fingers lightly up to Louis' upper thigh. Louis braced a hand on the edge of the table and kept his eyes closed, savoring the feeling he'd missed so much. Harry rubbed circles into Louis' pants with his thumb.

Harry messaged the muscles under his fingertips. He drew small patterns against the fabric. He tried to keep himself content with just this. A small touch. But it's wasn't enough. Wasn't nearly close enough to what he wanted.

So he moved his hand higher. Now the edge of his hand was lined up with Louis' crotch. He still made small circles with his thumb, but now it was in the crease between Louis thigh and hip.

Louis bit his lip but the small whine still escaped. Harry's head snapped to look at Louis, which turned out to be a bad idea, because Louis was leaning over the table, both hands had a firm grip on the edge, his eyes were held shut tight, eyebrows scrunched together, and he had his pink lip between his teeth.

Harry let out an almost silent growl and moved his hand to pressed down into Louis' half hard length through his pants.

Louis bit down harder on his lip and rocked slightly into Harry's hand. Harry couldn't help but to press down again. Louis' whine actually made a sound that time and he looked to Harry, scared he'd been too loud.

Louis almost came at what he saw. Harry's eyes were barely green anymore, dominated by black. His cheeks were flushed and his lips were moving like he wanted to say something but couldn't.

"Harry," Louis barely breathed.

"Hallway. Now," Harry ordered and abruptly got up from his seat and walked away.

Louis looked down at his lap in shock. Was he really supposed to follow? Is Harry even more pissed? And now Louis was hard in his pants and he just wanted them off.

He readjusted himself, quietly slid his chair back, and got up. Liam looked over at him and then to Harry's empty chair.

"Are you okay?" he whispered.

Louis nodded dumbly and walked after Harry.

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