Chapter 32

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It's been three days and no phone call. The day after the incident Louis was bouncing off the walls. Even cleaning stuff. The second day was got angry and yelled at everyone and then apologized forty times.

Today he was quiet. Hadn't gotten out of bed. Louis didn't know what time it was but the sun was blaring bright so he figured mid afternoon.

Liam opened the door quietly and whispered, "Lou?" Louis didn't respond. Not even a grunt. But Liam came in anyway. "Louis it's four o'clock. I think you should eat."

Louis pulled the blanket up over his shoulder. He'd slept in Harry's bed the first night. Needed the smell of him to get through. But now it felt wrong. Like being in his bed while he was sick was betrayal somehow.

So the past two night Louis slept in his own bed. Which is where Liam found him curled up, still wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

"Not hungry," Louis whimpered.

"How about a cuppa, then?" Liam offered.

That almost got him. A nice hot cup of tea to soothe away his worries. But he couldn't bring himself to move.

"They haven't call." Louis winced at how sad he sounded.

"They will," Liam reassured, but Louis could tell there was no force behind it.

"When?" he asked even though he knew Liam didn't know the answer.

"Soon," Liam answered immediately.

Louis appreciated the effort at least. He should stop making this about him and stop worrying the boys. "I think tea sounds good."

"Ok, great. I'll go make it."

"No. I'll do it." No offense but Liam couldn't make tea like Louis could. "Thanks though."

Liam left Louis to himself. Louis took a breath and slowly pulled the covers off himself. Step one.

Step two, he actually had to leave the bed.

Louis had one leg in a pair of pants when Liam came storming into his room.

"Harry's awake!"


The hospital was much quieter this time than when they'd first come in. But maybe that was because last time Louis' pounding heart was in his ears.

Robin was waiting for them when they walked through the doors. "Boys," he said as greeting.

"Mr. Twist," Liam respectfully replied.

With anymore preamble Robin starting walking down the hallway. "The doctor is going to tell you that it's only one at a time," Robin explained while walking ahead of them, "He'll probably only let a couple of you in today. The rest will have to wait."

"We understand. Thank you for letting us see him," Liam spoke for them.

Robin glanced over his shoulder where Louis was staring blankly at the floor in front of each step he took.

"Lewis, is it?" he didn't wait for a correction. "You don't seem...okay, son. Are you okay?"

Louis finally registered he was being spoken to and lifted his head. Robin must've seen the tears threatening to spill over because his face softened.

"You know he'll be okay. Just needs time to get better."

Louis just nodded and looked back to the ground.

When they got to Harry's room the door was half open and Anne was sitting in the chair next to the bed. The doctor was standing by the bed looking at Harry's chart.

Robin went into the room but the boys stayed at the doorway. Louis was hidden behind the others. He didn't know if he could handle it if Harry looked like he did a couple day ago.

"These are your friends, I assume," the doctor noted. Harry must've nodded because the doctor turned to them and spoke. "Alright boys. Only two visitors today. And one at a time. Try and keep it to around ten minutes each. Harry still needs a lot of rest."

Everyone nodded and moved away from the door so the adults could leave.

The boys all looked to Louis.

"What?" he said.

"Go on, Lou," Zayn prompted.

Louis shook his head. "I'm, I'm not ready."

"He'll want to see-" Liam started.

Niall interrupted, "I'll go first. Then you can go, okay Louis?"

Louis looked to Niall gratefully. "Yeah."

Niall walked into the room and closed the door. The rest of them sat in the chairs by the door, Zayn in Liam's lap because there were only two.

Louis rested his head in his hands. The world slowly turned black as he pushed his hands against his eyes. Next to him he heard Zayn leaving kisses on Liam's skin. He tried not to let it affect him.

Then Liam giggled and Louis couldn't handle it. "Jesus Christ, guys," Louis snapped and walked off without looking at them. He stomped down the hall the way he hadn't been yet.

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