Chapter 60

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"Harry Edward Styles! What the hell did you do?"

Robin sounded furious. Harry had only heard his voice like this a few times in his life. "I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Don't play with me, Harry. This isn't a game!"

"I'm really confused." Robin showed up at Louis' place after he called and said he need to see Harry right away. He pulled up an hour and a half hour later. Louis had gotten back by then, with tomatoes, and they were making spaghetti for dinner. Harry was freaking out that Robin sounded weird on the phone, but Louis was all smiles. Now Robin was standing in Louis' livingroom, waving his hands around, yelling at Harry.

Louis came and put a hand on Harry's back. Harry sighed and leaned into it. "Mr. Twist, why don't you explain what's going on."

Louis obviously hadn't told Harry where he'd been all afternoon. He knew Harry wouldn't approve of basically blackmailing his father, or taking advantage of a kind business man in the process. But Louis did what he had to for Harry. He just hoped Harry would never know.

"Cameron Reynolds called me." Harry raised his eyebrows in question so Robin kept going. "He's not sure if he can go into business with a man who's son can't even finish school."

Harry fished-mouthed for a couple seconds before Louis interjected. "That's unfortunate."

Robin glared at the smaller boy. "Weird considering he didn't even know I had a son."

That hurt. Robin didn't even bother to mention that Harry existed to his business partners. "Well now he does!" Harry yelled at Robin's red face.

"Harry you can't go around messing with my business! This is none of your concern!"

Harry scoffed in offense. "But you have the right to mess with my education? And when it comes back to bite you in the ass, you blame me?"

"You purposefully interfered with the largest business deal I've ever come across."

Harry's hands were in fists now. Anger was coursing through him. His dad really thought he was the kind of person who would do that? He didn't even care enough to mention him, but he thought Harry would be cruel enough to mess with his livelihood?

"I didn't though," Harry seethed. "I've never even met that Cameron guy. And I wouldn't do that. I'm a better person than you."

Louis stepped between Harry and Robin when it looked like Robin might actually use force on Harry. "If Harry says he didn't do it, then he didn't do it. What happens between you and your business partners is your problem."

Robin took a small step back and rubbed his hand on the back of his neck in agitation. "I don't have any choice now. Cameron says he won't close the deal unless Harry gets his degree. But I refuse to let you get away with this," he spat and looked between the two of them. "You know, Harry, I actually thought I could get used to the idea that my son was sick. That I could at least tolerate your disobedience." He waved his hand at them. "I can't even look at you."

"Me!" Harry was dumbfounded by the amount of ignorance bottled into one man. "You can't look at me? I'm disgusted by you! You're a hypocrite and a heartless man!" Harry hated yelling. Always hated conflict. But he couldn't let himself by put down by someone that obviously didn't love him.

Robin looked defeated. He started to walk towards to the door. "You'll graduate on Saturday. You'll walk the stage, pick up your certificate. And then I want you out of your apartment by Monday. Leave your car in the driveway, keys on the table. Take enough clothes to last a while, but nothing else. I won't support your lifestyle."

Harry was shaking his head numbly, trying not to let the tears fall. "Fine."

Robin nodded facing the door and walked out, slamming the door behind him. Louis immediately wrapped his arms around Harry before he could fall to floor. "Baby, look at me. Harry." Harry picked his head up and looked Louis in the eye. His eyes were brimming with tears that Louis quickly swiped away with his thumb. "We'll be okay."

"I know we will," Harry sniffled. "I'm so happy with you. I knew I was going to loose my parents, no matter what, when I chose you."

"So what's the matter?"

"He doesn't even like me, much less love me. And I know my mom hates me."

Louis pulled Harry closer and pet his loose curls, still messy from air drying after his shower. "Well they're idiots. Anyone that doesn't love you is an idiot. You are the most perfect person in the world. Everyone should love you as much as I do."

Harry gave a weak laugh and wrapped his arms around Louis' middle. "I love you so much."

"I love you more."



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