Chapter 27

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Harry was being stubborn, he knew that. But Louis was treating him like a child and he didn't fancy that much. So he decided to let Louis wonder for bit. Sit our there with the others and wonder if he'd made Harry mad. If maybe he should come back to their room and fuck Harry like he wanted.

But two hours later Louis still hadn't come back. And Harry was hungry. And the blankets were actually getting hot (testament to the great heating in the cabin).

Harry swallowed his pride and stumbled out to the living room after he put a pair of joggers on. Harry was pretty sure they were Louis', if the high-water hem was anything to go by. But he just pushed them up his calf and waltzed out to the others like nothing was a matter.

"Finally, Harry. Are you done sulking yet?" Niall threw at him before he even made it to the couch.

Harry stuck his tongue out and sat down next to Louis.

"Sorry I told them you probably wouldn't be in a very good mood when you came out here," Louis whispered in Harry's ear.

Harry nodded on Louis shoulder and folded himself up to fit in close, feet underneath him and an arm across Louis' lap.

"Wonder why?" Harry sassed.

"Don't be mad. I just couldn't do that to you."

Harry made a wounded sound. "But you left me in there for two hours."

"If I'd of gone back in there I probably would've done something I'd regret, Haz. So I stayed far away from that temptation."

"You'd regret having sex with me." his words were barely audible but Louis heard them clearly in his ear.

Louis pulled back at look Harry's face between his hands. "Making you have sex before you're ready? Yes I would've regretted that." He ran his thumb over Harry's cheek. "When you're ready. When I finally get to have you, regret will be the furthest thing from my mind."

"But I want to. I don't und-"

Louis abruptly stood up and grabbed Harry's hand. He pulled him firmly down the hallway just far enough that they were out of ear's reach of the others.

"You think you're ready?" Louis continued before Harry could answer, "It hurts. Bad. The first time feels like you're burning. And maybe not in a good way. Like your body is being stretched in a way it's never been. Because it is. And you feel open and vulnerable. You have to know and trust the person you're with a thousand percent because it hurts. And the good part doesn't come until the end. And I've only been with you for a very short amount of time. And I haven't been with a virgin in a very long time. And I need to trust you and you need to trust me before we do this. I can't-I won't- hurt you." Louis took a long, soothing breath to calm himself. "So, no, you're not ready. And more importantly, I'm not ready."

Harry's eyes had grown wide during Louis' little speech. "It really hurts that bad?" Louis was surprised that Harry didn't seem scared but merely curious. "I mean. I started researching after I met you. But it never looked like it hurt. And I've never-so I don't know. But does it actually hurt?"

Louis trailed his fingers down Harry's arm. "Yes. But if I do it right then you won't even notice," Louis leaned it to kiss Harry and spoke against his lips, "I promise I'll make you feel so good, so loved, you won't feel anything but amazing." He kissed Harry again. "But not yet."

After a moment Harry kissed Louis' forehead. "How will I know? When I'm ready?"

"You'll know. I'll know. That's where learning trust comes in."

Harry nuzzled into Louis' neck. Louis could feel his breath on his skin. The even puffs of air. "Ok," Harry spoke into his neck, "I get it."

"I'm glad."

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