Chapter 5

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Louis walked into his small one bedroom home after work and flopped down on the couch.

Are you home? Louis sent to Niall's phone.

A few moments passed before Louis' phone buzzed with an answer. Just. Why?

Can I come over?

When Louis got a Yeah, sure he put his coat back on and grabbed his keys.

Niall answered the door in his work uniform and ran his hand through his hair. It had been nearly two weeks since Harry brought up that maybe he's just not into Niall, and since then Louis had noticed so many things. One of them being that Louis didn't bother to learn much about Niall's daily schedule. Much less learn that he even had a job.

"Come on in." Louis walked into Niall's apartment and shook off his coat. Niall reached for it and hung it on the rack. When he turned back he said, "What's up?"

Louis walked over the couch and sat down, patting the seat next to him for Niall. Once Niall sat Louis huffed out, "Are you interested in seeing where this goes, like, down the line?"

"What do you mean, Lou?"

"I mean like, you're super cute Ni, and funny, and you've made me actually like blended fruit drinks," Niall smiled at that, "but are we going anywhere? I only ask because together we don't seem like we're going anywhere. I don't know if that's the impression you're getting but, I don't know," Louis waved his hands.

"Are we like breaking up?"

"We're not-"

"Together I know, Louis. You say it almost everyday. But, I don't know, I thought we were maybe getting there."

"Really?," Louis asked gently.

Niall opened his mouth to answer and then closed it. He opened it again to say, "This is about Harry, right?"

"What? No!" Louis defended himself.

Niall scooted back on the couch and said, "Yes it is. This is about you and Harry. It always has been. You want him so badly and you can't even see it!"

"I dont, Ni!," Louis shouted. "Plus it wouldn't matter; he's not gay," he said softer.

Niall stood up at that. "Oh for the love of God, please, don't give me that crap! He looks at you like he'd take you then and there if you gave him your permission!"

Louis jumped up in shock. "That's insane. He can barely even stand me!"

Niall sighed and said calmly, "You are so blind." He shook his head. After a minute of silence Niall admitted, "I get it. I sorta figure this would happen soon enough. I'm just not what your looking for." By the end Niall had started to tear up.

"Oh Niall," Louis reached for him and pulled him in. "I actually thought I was doing this right, you know?" he said into Niall's hair.

"You almost were. You were nice. Mostly attentive. You paid for everything." They both laughed at that. "You just didn't want me."

"But I love spending time with you. We get on so well. We like the same things. We can watch football together."

Niall pulled out of Louis' hug and smiled meekly. "Louis?"


"We're mates."

Louis' eyebrow came together and he purses his lips. "I guess we are."

Niall kissed Louis' cheek and combed his fingers through Louis' hair. "Can we be best mates who maybe cuddle while we watch sports? Or hold hands if we're bored?"

Louis grabbed Niall's hand from his hair and planted a kiss to the knuckles. "Absolutely."

Niall blushed and nodded his head towards the TV. "Everton played Man City today and I haven't watched it yet?"

They settled on the couch after grabbing some chips and Niall laid back into Louis' chest. Louis played with Niall's hair while snacking and watching a bruising loss for Everton.

By the time the game was over it was well past dark and getting late. "I should go. We've got class tomorrow and I haven't finished my citations."

"Slacker," Niall teased, but got off Louis so he could go.

Louis pulled his coat back on and went back to where Niall was standing by the couch. "I'm sorry for leading you on."

"You weren't the first and you won't be the last."

"Don't let anyone make you think less of yourself though Ni. You are amazing. And I'd be lucky to have you."

"But you don't."

"I don't deserve to." Louis leaned in to kiss Niall's cheek softly.

Louis was just about to open the door when Niall said, "Talk to Harry."

Without turning around Louis said, "He's straight."

Niall laughed softly, "We'll see."

Louis opened the door and took a step to leave but turned instead. "Ok I like him," Niall shook his head like 'Oh, really?' but Louis continued, "But despite my reputation I don't actually take advantage of naive straight guys. I won't force Harry to like me. I won't force my feelings on him."

"So what are going to do?"

"Nothing, I guess." Louis looked to his shoes. "I won't say anything to him. It's just six more months then we'll all separate and none of this will matter."

Niall sighed purposefully, "Alright then. I guess that settles that."

Louis turned and actually kept walking this time. Niall watched until he got to the elevator and got in then closed the door. Niall leaned back against the wood. "This is going to end badly."

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