Chapter 28 - End

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What universe are we to believe is the main timeline? What if everything we had experienced was caused by a singular change from that timeline. Is our universe still ours? Or is it a simple extension of someone, or something, else's? 

There are so many decisions we are to make throughout our lives, so how can we decide which one is correct? Which one follows the "real" timeline. What if we choose wrong? 

Life is never stagnant, there are always things to be done and choices to be made. People to affect and stances to take. As the planets move, we move tenfold. There's always an abundance of activity. 

Yukio's thoughts raced. What if he chooses wrong, as he did those years ago. It was that choice that caused him to be in this situation. Which left his sister with a muddled mind and an unclear path. Years and years of dwelling over Rin's well-being. Over if he would ever see her smile again. How he would get her to forgive him.

But as he stood above Rin... This rugged and fallen demon, how could he know what to do. Every word she spoke seemed to contradict itself. Her story, her attitude, none of it matched up. But despite his worries, the guilt of the past overpowered him—as well as his hope for the future. He had just gotten Rin back, how could he let her go. Yukio could save her. Follow through on what he promised his father. He could make up for what he did. 

He could bring her back.

As Yukio's thoughts came upon a conclusion, he began to speak to the council before him. 

"I must interject, we cannot begin to understand the circumstances. She has undoubtedly helped on more than one occasion. She was there for her peers during missions and she was there for me when Satan possessed her. Sir Pheles confirmed it was Satan, she had no control over him. We can't deny everything because of her heritage,"

Yukio knew she wasn't evil. Misguided, perhaps, but her efforts weren't towards Satan's grand plan. They were for her own. And she knew, in the end, that hers conflicted with his. She acted against him, the only one she's had guidance from. 

Rin had managed to acquaint herself with her classmates and live as a student would. There must be some human connection she still holds on to. And he couldn't let her lose it. 

"Please... give me a chance..." A rasped voice said. 

Yukio shot a glance down towards Rin, who was already facing him. She was dazed, but he knew she could see him. She was relying on him. 

One of the Grigory was about to speak, but Yukio interjected, "Guidance- That's all she needs. Satan's actions cannot affect your view of her,"

"How can you be so confident! Weeks after a demon appears in the school, Satan's spawn no less, he attacks? It's because of her and if you see it any other way your incompetence is clear!"

"I know she isn't evil. She went against him, she knew he was wrong and she tried to stop him. If we- if I'm able to lead her you all will be able to see what I do,"

The Grigory stared at Rin. 

"So be it, Okumura. But listen carefully," one began, "Exorcists especially know how demons are. If you're able to prove she's more human then demon, you'll get you're way,"

"But," another said, "If you, or anyone in association with Satan's spawn, go against the order there will be consequences," 

Despite the grave tone that stirred, a wave of relief flowed through Yukio. He was given a second chance.

Sunlight began to filter in as doors opened. Mephisto quietly left while a large set of doors behind the Grigory opened and they all left. Yukio rushed down to Rin and began working on unlocking the chains. 

Even though the last chain had fallen to the concrete floor, Rin remained unmoved. Yukio, desperate to return home, hoisted her up on his shoulder. They walked in silence.

Sometime during the walk back, Rin fell into thought. Or regret. How could she face him again? Why. Why would did he do that for her!? All she has done is lie to him.  

Sat in their dorm, Rin refused eye contact. 

"I need you to tell me the truth," Yukio said.

"You didn't- You shouldn't have put yourself in danger for me," 

"Rin. I did that because I need you to know you're not just a tool. You are a person. And I want to believe a good one. Just... tell me what happened to you,"

After a moment's hesitation, she locked eyes with him and softly smiled, "You shouldn't have thrown yourself away for me" 

Yukio's face fell, "I needed to show you I care. I wanted to prove that you're worth it. I wanted to be here for you. I couldn't fail you again," 

Rin furrowed her eyebrows and glanced up to Yukio. If she tells him what happened, he'll realize his mistake. And maybe she didn't want him to stop believing in her. 

But there was no out. No way she could turn back. She couldn't go home, she didn't want to. If this was all she had, she only had once option.

So she told him. Everything from his last words up to her to her father's plan. And by the end of it, Yukio's stare told her everything she needed to know. As it was filled with pity, for both her and himself. 

"Don't pity me, Yukio," Rin whispered. 

"I'm not," He glanced away before returning with a more hopeful eye, "I just know I don't regret what I said," 

Even if they had to fight harder or work longer, she still had a chance. And deep down, that's all she ever wanted.

One day, the blue flame will threaten Assiah once more. But no exorcist will turn their guns to Rin. 


Author's Note - That's a wrap guys. It's about time I think. After three years of this story's existence and two years of hiatus, we've reached the final chapter. And all I have to say is thank you. Thank you for the popularity this once had and for the readers who stayed and thank you for staying with me through my first introduction to writing. I know at this point I'm still not great, but maybe you'll see improvement. While I may look back at this and cringe, I don't regret writing it. At the time, this story meant a lot to me, and I'm glad I was able to share it with so many. This was what introduced me to writing, and I'm grateful for the positive attention it got. Yeah, I did lose interest in the story, and the quality reflects that, but even after all this time, I still wanted to give some conclusion. At that point, it wasn't just to complete the story, but just to give satisfaction for the readers. 

Thank you, all of you. Any reader who just glanced over the first chapter or to those who still occasionally checked for an update. Thank you.

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