Chapter 2 - In Gehenna

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A.N- I don't know if this is correct but I'm going to guess

In the story, I say she always has the blue flame on her head (pretty sure those are supposed to be horns) and the flame on the tip of her tail. Since her powers were sealed in the Kurikara they weren't there unless she were to draw the sword. Now that she has gone to Gehenna and received her powers the seal on the Kurikara is pointless. Her powers will be "on" unless she were to seal them and therefore so will the horns and tail.

Rin's PoV

I was surrounded by darkness. I felt nothing. Then, I felt a warmth. It started in my stomach, then spread to my whole body. I could see an electric blue flame, I lifted up my hand. It was coming from me.

"WAIT, WHAT!" I shouted

The flame didn't stop. It grew bigger and bigger, I couldn't stop it. I felt my consciousness leave me.

I woke up in a bed. I looked over to the right expecting to see Yukio. He wasn't there, neither was his bed. I realized I wasn't in my room anymore. All the memories of the previous day came back. I remembered what Yukio said. "I HATE YOU!" I wondered if he meant it.

Then I remembered that I went through the Gate with Satan, nothing after that.

"Where am I?" I questioned.

I looked out my window. What I saw made me gasp. It looked the same as my world, but it had strange creatures all over the place, the sky was gray, and everything was destroyed. Apparently where I am now is one of the only intact buildings.

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't escape through the window and go out there. I couldn't leave through my door either. I was too afraid of what might lay on the other side. I laid on the bed unsure of what to do. Someone knocked at my door, it made me jump. They came in without waiting for an answer. It was someone I had never seen before. He had a tail and horns from what I could see.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"I am one of Lord Satan's servants." He answered.

"w- why are you in here?"

"Lord Satan told me to answer your questions. Now, do you have any."

"Why was I brought here, and where exactly is here?"

"Oh, wow, you really know nothing. In that case, I'll start from the beginning. There are two worlds, the world you lived in is called Assiah, the world we're in now is called Gehenna. Demons inherit this world, we are sometimes able to cross worlds by possessing the beings in it. Got it?"

"You still haven't answered one of my questions. Why am I here?"

"Long story short, you are the daughter of Lord Satan. You inherited his blue flames too"

"No way, that's impossible. If I have his blue flames how come I have never seen them"

"Your powers were sealed in the Kurikara, but now that you are in Gehenna you have received your powers."

"One more question. If I'm a demon how come I don't look like one?"

"You do."

He told me to look in the mirror that lay to the left of my bed. I stood it up and found that I had a tail with a blue flame at the end, fangs, pointed ears, and flame horns. I instantly turned away. I couldn't believe it. I'm a demon.

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