Chapter 26 - Unholy

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A.N - I leave people on cliffhangers way too often.

There is going to be a spoiler in here so read on with caution. This chapter won't make much sense if you don't know, though.

Rin/Satan's PoV

I attempted to step through the open door into the Vatican but ended up entering Mephisto's office. I couldn't move.

"Hellooo🎵" Mephisto sang.

"Samael. What are you doing." I state.

"Well, I've noticed that you have been using poor Rin's body to ruin my school. We can't have that can we🎵. So I decided to reroute the keys."

"How dare you defy me!" I shout.

"Well, if you look at it, I'm actually just disciplining one of my students,"

"This won't stop me,"

"Though you remain conscious, Rin's body does not have the power to move when time is frozen. You won't be able to move" His tone changes into a deadly serious one.

"How dare you! You traitor! Defending a school that mercilessly kills our kind!"

"Actually, I'm trying to prove not all demons are bad. I'm trying to influence the exorcists."

"I will be back, and you will be punished" I threaten.

With that, I leave Rin's body.

Yukio's PoV

I stood at the entrance, stunned.

She was able to resist

"Mr. Okumura, what's wrong with Rin?" Konekomaru asked.

"How was she able to withstand possession from Satan?" He continued.

I didn't know how to respond. I didn't want to reveal her secret, she wouldn't want me too either. But the students will figure out eventually.

I decide to answer

"I... Don't know,"

An alarm rings through the school.

"We need to evacuate!" I shout.

I stick a key that leads to the outside of the school into the door and urge my students to pass through it. They all leave and I follow after them.

All the students and teachers were told to return to their living quarters. I was to assume the higher ups were going to have a meeting.

I opened the door to Ri- my dorm. I sat down on my bed and thought about what just happened. Was Rin planning to betray us all along? But what about what Satan said, something about picking the wrong side, but what side did she betray?

I got a call from a higher up telling me to join them at the meeting.

I took a key that led to the Vatican and inserted it into the nearest door. The walk to the meeting was nerve wracking. I know I can't lie to them about Rin's heritage. They'll probably execute her if they find out, but I'll get arrested if I lie.

I finally approach the the door and slowly open it to see something truly horrid: Rin, in her demonic form, trapped in chains which seemed to be covered in holy water, her skin blistering where the chains hit. Glistening trails falling down her face.


Mephisto is the demon king of time and has the power to stop it. (It being time)

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