Chapter 1 (edited)

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Why did I continue it. What possesed me to contine this monstrosity. BUt whatever. This is all I've got. I might update. I might not.

I got a comment telling me to continue, it's all I really needed. I needed to know whether you guys wanted me to continue or not, or even if you don't want me to continue this monstrosity of a fanfiction, I will anyway.

Yukio's PoV (past)

Why, why did we have to be the spawns of Satan. Yuri was an exorcist, she protected God's people, so why didn't God protect her from the lying words of Satan. She was killed because of Satan, and Rin was cursed with the blue flames.

I feared those flames. The flames that killed thousands, the power that only the devil should have, belonged to my brother. I know that Rin is not a human, but I don't consider him a demon either.


I figured something was off. I've been seeing the same demon lurking around the town for a few days. I told Father, but he said it was nothing to worry about, considering that it hasn't harmed anyone. Even with Father's word, I was nervous.

I returned home from school to find Rin with scrapes on his knuckles.

He tried to evade me and my questions, but I grabbed onto his shoulder before he could hide in his room.

"Rin...What happened?" I questioned.

"I don't want to talk about it," He responded, avoiding my gaze.

"C'mon, you can tell me," I tried to assure.

He looked away to avoid eye contact but gave in to my stare.

"I got into a fight..." He confessed.

I was going to scold him but he told me because he trusted me, so I decided to ask first.

"What happened?"

"I saw some guy picking on this younger kid, so I punched him,"

"Rin..." I sighed

He always resorted to violence. I believed it was because of the demon inside him, but I worried. What would happen if the demon side of him surfaced? That thought scared me, so I always tried my best to make sure it would never happen.

But I failed.

__________________ _____ ___ _

It was an average morning, nothing happened. A nervous calm was in the air, the calm before the storm (wow, that's not cliche).

We were all sitting at the table for supper, but the atmosphere was tense. The parents of the kid Rin fought with yesterday contacted Father. I eavesdropped on the conversation and could hear the disappointment in Father's voice. He mentioned how he would scold him, which I assumed was going to be soon.

Rin, oblivious, happily sat down. Sensing the tense air, his smile faded.

"Rin..." Father started, "You need to stop this behavior,"

"What? Why should I? He was pickin' on the kid, so I gave him a taste of his own medicine," He explained.

"You should have told him to stop, you don't always need to resort to violence."

"I don't care!"

"You could have seriously injured him!"

"But I didn't!"

"But what if you do next time! You need to learn the consequences of your actions, Rin!"

"So what if I do! They would deserve it!"

With that, Rin stormed out of the kitchen, tired of the fighting. I got up to go talk to him, but a flash of black distracted me. It was headed towards our room, and it was faster than me.

A rumble of noise could be heard. It sounded like talking, but in a language I couldn't understand. I barged into Rin's room and found him pinned down by a demon I didn't recognize. It's words were progressively getting louder. Rin kicked and punched, but the demon was far stronger than him.

Father barged into our room, but it was too late. Rin had already burst into flame.

"Yukio get out! This demon! It hypnotizes you!" He warned.

But I couldn't move, I was frozen. Rin had cut his wrist with his now sharp nails and was forming the Gehenna Gate. His actions weren't coming from him. His eyes were blank, nothing like the lifelike, blue eyes of my brother. Father had a pained look in his eye as he grabbed a holy water grenade and pulled the pin. He didn't want to harm Rin, but he had no choice. The water stopped the progression of the gate and the demon had stopped it's words.

The effect of the hypnotism faded, but at a gradual rate. The gate continued to form. I needed to help, but I couldn't. I was useless as my brother fell deeper and deeper into an invisible abyss (wow, edgy). The gate formed. The hypnotism was weak now, his flames were dying down.

"Rin! Please, stop!" I pleaded.

It grabbed his attention, he started to walk to me. His flames died out. Father went to grab Rin, but the demon came at him and stabbed his stomach.

"D- Dad!" Rin yelled.

The demon ran to Rin, and as a last resort, pulled him in along with himself. I ran to Rin and tried to grab his hand, but it slipped out of my grasp before I could pull him out. I tried and tried to grab him again, but the gate was burning my hands. Rin fell into the gate.

A.N - yep, after months of waiting I'm giving you a cliffhanger I'll probably never finish.

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