Chapter 22 - Idk what to name this

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Rin's PoV

I saw the class start to panic. I knew Father said something, I could tell by Yukio's reaction. He was confused at first, then his expression turned into one of disbelief. My vision started to fade again. I tried to prolong the amount of time I could see. I needed to know what Father was going to do. The last moment that I could see, I saw blue flames.

Yukio's PoV

How can this be Rin? Why would she want to start a war? Didn't she say she joined True Cross Academy to prevent demons from hurting others?

"Wh- What is happening to her? Ho- how is sh- she still alive? Anyone possessed by Satan dies, how can she still be living?" One of the students said.

That's it! There's a chance that Satan in possessing her, but why?

Suddenly Rin started to shoot the flame around the classroom, slightly burning some of the students.

"Ha! You humans are so weak. It's funny, really." She, or Satan, laughed.

Kamiki called out her familiars and made sacred sakè. She poured it on the flames and put them out. (Her familiars do a thing and boom! Sacred sakè)

"I knew it! I knew something was wrong with you!" Bon shouted.

"I wouldn't say messed up, but I don't really care what you mortals think," Satan said.

"Rin! I know you're there! Please just stop!" I pleaded.

RIn's PoV

My sight kept fading in and out. Sometimes, I wish I just didn't see. My father was burning down the classroom, but luckily Kamiki's familiars were able to put it out; only for a small amount of time, though.

I kept thinking I heard my name, probably someone begging me to stop, but I can't control what my body is doing. Heck, I can't even control my vision.

Satan walked out of the classroom, but suddenly stopped. I didn't understand why until I/he turned around and saw Yukio holding on to my shirt.

He instantly let go. I/He turned around and lifted up my/his hand. Yukio a face filled with horror. I knew what he was going to do and I needed to stop it. The weariness of me trying to keep my vision was finally catching up to me, but I had to save Yukio; like he saved me when I first arrived to Assiah.

I took all my remaining strength to make my body turn around.

"No!" I screamed as I forced my body to leave the classroom.

I passed out, no vision, no thoughts. Satan had full control for however long I am going to be out.

A.N - I'll proofread tomorrow. Sorry for mistakes.

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