Chapter 21 - Possessed

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A.n - Im done writing these now

Rin's PoV

The cold spread throughout my whole body. My vision faded, darkness started to appear in the edges of my vision but rapidly developing across my view.

The thing about being possessed is that strong-willed people can stay conscious while the other controls their body.

I was restrained by the darkness, that's the majority of what I saw, but sometimes, I saw pieces of what was happening outside my world of darkness. It was terrible, knowing that someone is in control of your body. Knowing that the other people will think it's you, while your body is making decisions that you would never make.

One of the pieces of what was happening outside my world of darkness was Father breaking my wrists and opening Assiah gate. In my body, he had my power. My power to go into Assiah on my true form. He would be strong in my body, and that terrified me. He would kill all the exorcists. He would kill Yukio. He would kill Sheimi. He would kill Bon, Shima, Konekomero, Kamikii, and all the other exorcists. And it would be all my fault.

In the world of darkness, I questioned myself. Why did I kill that one exorcist? I was caught up in my anger. How everyone blames everything wrong with the world on demons. But maybe, he had a reason to go after demons. To get revenge, on something a demon caused to go wrong in his life. But, what if he didn't have a reason. He just killed demons because he believed they were everything wrong with the world. That's why I killed him, but what if, he had a reason. Instead of killing him no questions asked, I could've asked questions about why he was doing what he was. Maybe I'm just as bad as my father.

I was dozing off in my own thoughts. I was brought out of my trance when my vision came back for a bit. What I saw was something that I wished I could've seen before I went to Assiah, but now, it was one of the worst things I could've seen. Yukio and a horrified cram class.

Yukio PoV

I was walking my dorm when I saw Rin walking out. She was carrying a bag on her shoulder and was not in her uniform. She smiled and continued to walk. I was going to ask her why she was wearing casual clothes but she was already past me by the time I was going to ask her.

I went into our dorm and found the Kurikara leaned against the wall and all of Rin's items cleared out. Kuro was sitting on her bed curiously looking at me. Where is she going? And why did she leave Kuro? I went through the day as normal, but when I came bak to our dorm she wasn't back. I was getting worried. By the end of the day tomorrow, Rin wasn't back. I decided to go ask Mephisto. When she first came she mentioned how Mephisto knew about her.

"Sir, I'm curious if you know anything about Rin's disappearance?" I asked.

"Oh, do not worry about her. She went somewhere safer for her."

"Thank you, sir. I'm glad to know that she is safe."

I was actually sad about Rin. I liked having my sister back.

I was planning to move out of out dorm by the end of the week.


I was perparing a lesson when I saw a flash of blue light out the window. I didn't think much of it.

While teaching class, I heard a knock at the door. I stopped the lesson and opened it only to see Rin. She looked beat up.



"What happened to you?"

"I decided to switch sides, but it was a mistake. So now I'm here to execute my original plan."


The rest of the class stared curiously at my beat up sister.


"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm going to start a war, beginning with the people who lied to me and changed my opinion for the worst,"

Her body was engulfed in blue flames. The class panicked. I stood in front of them.

Why would Rin do this? Was what she was doing this past month a lie? But, she seemed to hate lies. She cried, how can this demon in front of me be my sister?

A.N - Uploading another chapter this week.

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