Chapter 10 - Bon

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A.N - Two minutes into republishing these and someones already voted. wHy

A.N Sorry for not updating. I have a life u know (lol no I don't)

I don't pay much attention in school. All they talk about is demons and their fatal verse, but I already know this. It was part of my training in Gehenna. I get good grades, though.

Today I was spacing out, when I came back to reality I saw this kid, Suguro (Bon, if you don't know his last name) I think, looking at me like I just killed someone.

"I'm going to hand out the graded quizzes from last week," Yukio informed.

"Moriyama, 30%. What do you mean by Mr. Sancho?"

"Oh, it's the plant that creates a gel that helps burns." She responded while blushing.

"You mean aloe, next time use the proper names."

"Amori, 98%. Good job." Amaya Amori is Rin's fake name in case you forgot

I still have to use my alias so people don't find out Yukio and I are siblings.

"Suguro, 90%."

"What! How is that even possible? How can I get a worse grade than that slacker who sleeps all day!"

He looked at me.

"What..." I say, upset at his words.

"Yeah you. How do you even do it!"

"I study," I lied. Satan and his servants pounded that information in my head. I couldn't forget it if I tried.

"What, in between your naps!"

Is he trying to make me mad? I got up and started to walk towards him. He walked towards me. His friends and Yukio pulled us back.

"Suguro, you get good grades. There is no need to fight about this." Yukio coaxed.

He stared me down with that "death stare" of his. The bell rang as if on cue.

I was sitting on the fountain thinking about sukiyaki when that guy came up to me.

"Why'd want," I asked irritably

"How did you get that grade? You don't pay attention and class and you don't look like the type to study."


"It means you cheat. There's no other way. Just admit it."

"I do not cheat!"

"Fine then, prove to me you want to be an exorcist."

"Why do I need to prove anything to you."

"Because it's unfair that you get the best grades when I obviously study harder than you and actually pay attention in class."

"Fine, just leave me alone already will ya."


I don't know why I was racing him. Why do I need to prove anthing to him. This exercise was about learing the reapers movements. Darn you competetive spirit.

"Holy crap she's fast. I didn't know anyone could outrun Bon." One of the spectators said.

I was in the lead until he kicked me. The teacher had to pull the reaper's chain to stop it from attacking.

"Dude. What the heck."

"No way I'd lose to someone like you."

We went back to the sidelines. The teacher got a booty call and left us.

"This is the perfect chance, to prove I'm better than Amori" Bon thought

"Hey, Amori," Bon called out.

"What is it!"

"If you want to prove to me that you want to be an exorcist, I dare you to touch the reaper."

I knew I easily could. The problem with other people is that the reaper can read your thoughts. When you're least expecting it to attack, it will.


I went up to the reaper and easily touched it. I learned how to defend myself against other demons in my training.

Bon looked incredulous as I walked back to him.

"Your turn,"

He walked slowly to the reaper. When he was about ten feet away he shouted,

"I will defeat Satan!"

I laughed at this, he could barely keep up with me, how could he beat my father.

"You, defeat Satan." I chuckled.

"Her comment made me even more determined to beat her" Bon thought

The reaper then made a move to attack. Should I help, I don't like him, though. Why should I anyways, he wants to kill my father. But... he'll probably tell the medics that I touched the reaper without trouble and they'll get suspicious.

I jumped in and ran to him and the reaper. The reaper almost bit me but stopped.

"This means you won't tell anyone we did this and you'll stop going on about me not studying. Right?"

"Yeah..." He said, voice trembling.

A.N The italicizing means someone else's thoughts besides Rin's. Bolding means it's not actually in the story but I decided to add it.

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