Chapter 18 - Going Back

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A.N - I'm running out of ways to diss this story.

Rin's PoV

"Why would you go so soon? You haven't given me many reports." Amaimon responded.

"I've made up my mind. We should go tell Sam- Mephisto."


As I walked to Samaels office I thought about what I would say to Father. How would he react, it was his and Yuri's dream. (Yuri is her mom. She's also dead). Lost in thought I ran into the door to Samuel's office.

"Sa- Mephisto, I want to go back to Gehenna." I declared.

"Why so soon, you've only been here for a month."

"I've already made up my mind. Notify my father."

"As you wish. But before you go, give your uniform back to me."

I gave him a small nod as I walked out the door. I made my way back to my dorm and started to pack up my very few things. I took off my uniform and put on some clothes I bought when I first got here. I grabbed the t-shirt I slept in and shoved it in a bag along with the rags I came here with. I didn't know whether to bring the Kurikara with me. I decided not to because I wouldn't need it.

I was about to walk to Samuel's office again when I remembered I had a key to it. I stuck the key in the nearest door and walked into it.

"I brought my uniform," I said.

"Just set it on the chair to your right. I also notified Lord Satan that you are leaving. The gate should open outside the barrier of the school, to the east." He informed.

"I'll make my way over there soon. Bye."

"Goodbye little sister,"

I went back to my dorm to make sure I didn't forget anything. I found the shorts I slept in and shoved them in the bag with the rest of my stuff. I made my way out of the dorm and passed Yukio in the hallway.

"Rin, where are you going?"

"Oh, nowhere special." I gave him a soft smile and walked forward.

"Wierd," Yukio thought.

I walked to the town and decided to buy something for Gehenna. I went into some gift shop and bought a cat thing. Not sure what it was, but it looked cute. I put the cat into my bag and started to jog through the town.

This place is so different than Gehenna. There is so much color and life, I would even stay here if I wasn't a demon.

I made my way to the barrier, feeling it getting stronger. I knew once I go through I won't be able to come back in.

I've already made up my mind, I walk through the barrier, feeling a slight sting of pain due to the fact that it's supposed to repel demons.

It's about one, I left Samuel an hour or so ago. That means the gate should be opening soon. I climb up a tree and sit on a branch. By nightfall, the gate appears.

"Took ya long enough," I say.

I grab my bag and jump off the tree. I walk over to it and step in. I don't feel the rush of my power coming back. Actually, I don't feel any change. I arrive in Gehenna expecting to have all my demonic features back, I don't get them. I realize I still have on the ring that seals my power. I take it off and my flames come back. Me going into Gehenna should have broken the seal. I suppose because Father made it I'll need to break the ring. I shove it in the back pocket of my shorts and make my way towards Father.

A.N- I feel like it's been so long since I updated but it's only been a week. And yes, another cliffhanger. Here's a picture of my dog to make up for it.

 Here's a picture of my dog to make up for it

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