Chapter 3 - Regret

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A.N - Publishing these chapters is just giving me friends free ammo. This is bad.

A.N. So if anyone is wondering this is Yukio and Rin's present selves telling this story in past tense. This chapter they are in the present.

Yukio's PoV

I woke up the next morning after Satan came and took Rin. I looked over to my left hoping to see Rin, I remembered that she went to Gehenna. I sighed and got out of bed. I went into the kitchen, I wanted her breakfast, no one else in my house could cook. I managed to make some food. I was about to go to school when Father stopped me.

"If anyone asks where Rin went, say she got transferred to a private school." Said Father.


It was weird not seeing Rin at school. I got a few questions on where Rin was and I told them that she was transferred. I don't think they believed me but they accepted it and walked away. On my way home I saw some demons. They noticed me and started to chase me. I started to run away. When I got to the monastery I was on the verge of tears.

That day Father told me there was a way to not to be afraid.

"You know, you can stand up to those demons without Rin."

"How?" I asked.

"You can join me, you can be an exorcist."


And so, I became an exorcist.


Today I start teaching the second year classes at True Cross academy. For the past two years, I've taught the first years. I started learning exorcism early in my life, therefore I was younger than everyone else. By the time I started to teach I was the same age as the first years.

A few days after Rin left I didn't have anyone to comfort me, I missed her. I missed her cooking, her smile, and her way of making me feel better. I regret telling her to leave. My anger towards Satan made me say those awful things to her. I started to train to become an exorcist. I wanted to become strong. I wanted to stand up to the demons. I worked my way up the class system to Middle First class.

One day, I want to defeat Satan, and get Rin back! It pains me to think what she is going through. My last words to her being "I hate you!" and "Just leave!" I wonder what she thinks of me now. Did she believe those words? Does she hate me, or feel depressed that her brother hates her? And I can only imagine what Satan is making her do. Or, does she like it better in Gehenna than here.

All my questions never got answered. All I could do was fight demons and stay in Assiah. I hope when I see her again, if I ever do, she won't be the one I'm fighting.

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