Chapter 8 - Roommate

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A.N - It's too painful to do this my God.

Rin's PoV

After that little encounter with Yukio, he asked if he could come with me to my dorm. I said it was alright. I really don't know what he wants, though. He'll probably ask me about what happened in Gehenna and I'll need to lie some more.

"Where are we going?" Yukio asked.

"My dorm."

"But the dorms are over there"

"While mine is over here, probably has to do with daughter of Satan stuff."

"Ok then,"

Yukio's PoV

I wanted to go to Rin's dorm so I could ask her about what happened in Gehenna. I didn't want to in the classroom because someone could hear us.

"So, why did Satan... hurt you?" I asked.

"Because I refused to do what he asked. I was left alone in my room, the only visitors I got were Satan's servants giving me bits of food and coming to- coming to-....."

I felt so bad for her, being left alone like that. She should never need to go through that again.

"Rin, it's all my fault that you had to go through that I should have never told you to go. I'm sorry."

"You're lying. You're just saying that because you're still afraid of me and you don't want to get hurt. I won't do anything now because I don't want to make a scene, but when the time is right you will get what you deserve." Rin thought.

"It's not your fault."


Rin's PoV

"That was quite the show you put on." Said Amiamon.

"He's such a pain, trying to not punch him is taking so much effort."

Classes were back to normal. Yukio didn't pay any more attention to me than any other students, thank God.

Walking to my dorm I let my tail slip from my shirt. It's weird not seeing blue flames on. For all the time I had it it always had blue flame. I guess now that my power is sealed, my tail will have fluff ball on the end.

I walked into my dorm only to see Yukio sitting at one of the desks.

"WHAT, what are you doing here!" I hollered.

"Well, since you were alone for 6 years I thought that I could stay with you to keep you company."

"Oh, how thoughtful of you."

Great, not only do I have my brother teaching my classes, he's now my roommate! Now I won't be able to talk to Amaimon. I think my tail showed my frustration. It's usually is curved and swaying but right now, it stood straight.

"Hey, Rin,"


"Is something bothering you?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just, um, stubbed my toe."

"Oh. Ok."

A.n Sorry this chapter isn't my best.

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