Cold(Taeyong/Lee Tae Yong)

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(This oneshoot is an authors choice)
[This oneshoot takes place after Simon Says MV of Nct 127 came out]
[(Y/N) look but you can imagine other look to your choice]

(This oneshoot is an authors choice)[This oneshoot takes place after Simon Says MV of Nct 127 came out][(Y/N) look but you can imagine other look to your choice]

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Let go~
*3rd Person P.O.V*

"Oh god........Why does everything looks so blurry??......" (Y/n) mumble as he walks towards his boyfriend and his friends dorm.Today (Y/n) would be finally spending some time with his boyfriend after his hectic Idol schedule while (Y/n) has his own cafe to look after.Soon (Y/n) was in the elevator of the dorms while he leaned against the walls of the elevator as he felt kind of dizzy in the head."Ah, my stupid body getting tired so easily........" he thinks as he rings the doorbell of his boyfriend band's room which immediately caused someone to come running to the door.Haechan slowly pokes his head out and when he his (Y/n),he happily swings the door open before hugging the older tightly."You finally came hyung!!I missed you so much along with the other members!!" Haechan says while pulling the older inside as (Y/n) chuckles as he ruffled Haechan's hair before saying "I missed you a lot as well".As he completed saying this a fit of coughs came out of his mouth causing Haechan to get a little bit of worried."Are you alright,hyung?Now that I see your steps seemed to be a little bit of wobbly" he asked to which (Y/n) smiles before saying "It's alright.I am just tired and this coughs are cause of my dry throat.Now where is Taeyong?".To this Haechan cheerfully said "He is waiting inside with the other for you.He is also very excited and happy to see you!!" but (Y/n) didn't heard any of that cause he suddenly felt his vision getting blurry before it completely went black.Haechan on the other hand heard a big thud which quiet shocked him,so he turned around saying "Hyung did just heard that sou-" but stopped when he saw (Y/n) at ground."Oh,hyung it was only you falling down and here I thought that something else fell down.Don't scare me like that" Haechan said with a laugh but when no really came,Haechan became surprised before going to (Y/n) and shaking him which made the poor boy realized that his hyung really fainted.Haechan's body freeze in fear as he body started to shake with tears threatening to fall from his eyes at any moment due to various negative thoughts coming to his mind as to why his hyung fell down and the poor boy also couldn't call for help due to his own panic state.

Finally Taeil came quite irritated at the fact that their maknae still hasn't returned after he went to open the door."What the heck are you doi-" Taeil said while coming to the door way but stopped when he saw what was happening.Quickly understanding the situation Taeil shouted in panic "Guys come here quick, we have some problems" before going to Haechan and calming the poor boy.The rest of the members quickly came and were shocked by the scene they were seeing as the maknae line were freaking out at the fainted (Y/n) while the hyung line were just scrambling around  but a shout made everyone stop "Everyone calm down!!Let me take a look at (Y/n)".It was no other than Taeyong,(Y/n)'s boyfriend who quickly went to (Y/n) before checking to see if he was hurt somewhere due to his fall before touching his head which caused Taeyong to jerk his hand away as his lover was totally burning up."Okay it seems he has a very high temperature,so everyone listen quickly.Taeil prepare a cloth and some cold water,Doyoung just go and clean one of the room so that (Y/n) can sleep in one of them,Yuta and Jaehyun just run down to bring some medicines for cough and dry throat,WinWin I would be happy if you would cut some fruits for (Y/n) and Johnny please help me carry (Y/n).The rest of the members please sit patiently in the living room" Taeyong says calmly to which everyone nodded before started doing what they were assigned.Taeyong and Johnny quickly lifted (Y/n) up before taking him towards the room which was quickly cleaned by Doyoung.Taeyong and Johnny put (Y/n) at the bed before sigh and say's "This boy is so careless about his health.He must have overworked himself and just came here without any rest even when I said to him to come if he didn't have any problem" to which Johnny chuckles before saying "He must have wanted to see you very much" causing Taeyong to blush a little.Then a knock in the door caused the 2 boys to look up to see Yuta and Jaehyun with the medicines.

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