Help(Song Yoon Hyung/Song)

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(H/T) - Home Town
(This oneshoot is an authors choice)
[This oneshoot takes place after the Love Scenario MV of ikon came out]
[(Y/N) look but you can imagine other look to your choice]

(H/T) - Home Town(This oneshoot is an authors choice)[This oneshoot takes place after the Love Scenario MV of ikon came out][(Y/N) look but you can imagine other look to your choice]

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Without any further due let's start with the chapter~

*Y/N P.O.V*

I sat in the sidewalk,my back against the wall as it rained heavily.I sighed as my back started to hurt for seating to much against the wall."Hey,isn't he a hybrid?" a women wispered to her friend who looked at me before wispering back "Yeah right,we shouldn't stay here much longer.Let's wait for the bus in some another place" and they both walked away from me while holding their umbrellas.I sighed and didn't even cared about these complimants at all.Throughout my past,my family was always hiding which consisted of Me,my mom and my dad.I was happy with my past situation but everything changed when one day,a group of people found us.My parents tried their best to make them go but then they pulled out a gun.My parents understood what was going to happen and told me to run.I did as they told me but then I heard a bang and when I looked back,there my parents were in the ground,lifeless as blood came out of their stomach.I felt as though my whole world has fallen apart but I remembered my parents last words.that was for me to run so I ran away from there and didn't even gave a last glance towards my parents bodies.Since then I had been alone,eating from the trash,sleeping in the streets of seoul as I had ran away from my hometown since I was scared of the killers finding me.In seoul the hybrids were atleast given the privelage of staying and eating in the streets so it was much safe here,then my (H/T) but then also many people sill hated hybrids of any kind.I shivered as I have started to fell very cold as my grey sweatshirt has got wet due to the fact I was sitting in the rain.

I sighed and was thinking what do now if a caught a cold when a voice from beside me said "Hey,are you alright??Why are you in the street all alone?"

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I sighed and was thinking what do now if a caught a cold when a voice from beside me said "Hey,are you alright??Why are you in the street all alone?".I looked side ways it was a guy around my age with an umbrella."I am not alone.......I am a stray but are you disgusted by me,a hybrid?" I asked as the people with whom I had interracted till now were all disgusted by me.The guy looks at me with surprised looks before saying "Why would I be disgusted by you if you are a hybrid??Anyway,you look very hungry and thirsthy si here ake these and also take my umbrella so you don't get wet" the guy says with a smile where else I looked at him with shock."But!....But.." I said but the guy then said "No buts, take these and I will come to see you again,tommorrow as well,okay?Bye then" before running away from there while leaving the food and his umbrella in my hands.I was still shocked before I smiled and mumbled "Thank you,god".

*Time skippu of 1 week~*

With days passing by the guy or 'Song' would always come and visit me.It was very exciting and fun to see song everyday.He told me that he is part of a group called Ikon and that it's very intresting to be in a group.He even brings food for me which he cooked on his own and they are so tasty I just can't help but ask for more."I don't know how I could thank you for all you have done for me this week" I said while eating.Song smiled before saying "It's nothing,as long as I can make you smile,I am happy".I blushed when I heard those words but that was yesterday.I woke up next day when I heard a small commotion in front of the alley where I usually sleep.You see,the place near where Song found me is a alley where I sleep and live.Anyway back to present,when I went outside to the streets,the first thing I knew was someone shouting "There HE is!!" and the next thing I know I was thrown in the ground while a sharp object was pressed against my neck.I panicked but managed to look up,to see my parents killers as my attacker."Found ya" the guy said while the other stood beside him,both with smirks.I was scared to death,I wanted to run,I wanted to cry and remember the good times of my life but the only thought that came to my mind was of Song.I was confused at this but then I finally understood why this was happening,why I always waited for his arrival,why laughed at his silly jokes,why always tried my best to see his smile and why I always felt lonely after he left,cause I had fallen in love with Song Yoon Hyung.But like others I couldn't tell him the one things which ever people in love wants to tell so when I see the attacker getting the knife ready to attack me,I bitter-sweetly wisper "I love you and always would,Song......" while waiting for my life to end by the knife's slash.But that slash never came,so when I opened my eyes,I got the shock of my life.Standing there with a hand from which blood was flowing like water,was Song.Before I could say or do anything,Song shouted "Somebody help!!These people are trying to kill us!!" and soon enough we heard noise coming towards us.This causes the killers to curse before running past us in full speed.I didn't knew what to do for a second but then I remembered about Song's hand and immediately turned towards him before asking "Is your hand okay?!Why did you came in front of me?!What would you have done if it was more  serious than a hand injury??!!" while realising that tears were coming out of my eyes finally."And let you die?I would be crazy and would have always been in depression if I had allowed that,you know?" Song said with a troubled look.I started to cry like a baby before hugging Song as people started to come in the alley.I didn't care what people thought about me but I sticked to Song throughout as his hand was bandaged by someone,the police was called and Song was accepted questions.Somewhere,during the questioning I felt asleep and the next thing I know I was being carried by Song to somewhere.

*3rd person P.O.V*

"Where are we........going.....Song?" Y/N asked sleepily."Oh,you woke up?Well after what happened today,I can't leave you alone anymore,so you are going to live with me and my teammates at our house"."Why are you.....doing so much for me....Song?The sleerping Y/N....wants tone knows" Y/N mumbles in a half-asleep voice to which Song chuckles at his cuteness before saying "Okay then sleeping Y/N,it's because I unconditionally fell in love with the awake Y/N but I am alergic to cats so I fell embarrassed and weak to confess.But today I had enough,so I came to confess well then the accident happened.Anyway,keep this a secret from awake Y/N,okay?" whole creasing Y/N cheeks softly." don't know........awake Y/ unconditionally........" Y/N says before falling back into sleep again.Song blushes like a tomato when he hears this and looks at Y/N with shock.But it soon turns to a smile and Song wispers "Then you wouldn't mind this,right?" before kissing a smile kiss in Y/N lips who kisses back in response.The rest of the way went happily,with Y/N hugging Song tightly while Song sang some of his group songs to him with a smile

[Song's smile and so much precious]

[Song's smile and so much precious]

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