Fifteen - "You're mine."

Start from the beginning

"I'm fine Lyds."

"You're not fine," she pulled the boy to his feet, forcing him in the direction of one of the hammocks. "you're really sick Murph."

"Let's hope Bellamy doesn't try to put me out of my misery."

Silently, with loving eyes and gentle hands, Lydia lowered the Murphy boy down onto the hammock, brushing his hair out of his eyes. He looked so run down, so broken. The only other times she'd seen him look that way was when his parents were floated, when she was taken to lock up, and when he was exiled from camp. The most truly painful events of his life.

"I wouldn't let him do that."

"You promise?"

"I promise." Lyds pressed a kiss to the boys bloodied forehead, "Now don't move, I'm gonna go get Clarke."

"Don't leave again." He caught her hand, "Don't."

"I'll be right back, okay?"

With that said, the Greystone girl turned on her heel and headed out of the dropship and into the centre of camp to find Clarke. She was nowhere to be seen but the harder the girl looked the dizzier she began to feel.

"How could you bring him back here?" A voice spoke, snatching Lydia's arm and forcing her to walk with them, "Do you realise how much danger you put us all in?"

"Bellamy, I-"

"No Lyds, I know you think he's your brother, and that you can save him, but he isn't and you can't."

"Where's Clarke, Bell?" The blonde pleaded, her frail body fell against Bellamy's.

"Lyds? You okay?"

"He's dying... I have to- I have to help him."

"Lydia, you're bleeding! Oh my god."

Blood began to trickle down her upper lip and it was in that moment that Lyds realised her nose was bleeding, as were her eyes, and she could taste blood in her mouth too. Whatever it was that Murphy had, she had it too.

"You need to get away from me..." she told him, "Whatever this is, I got it from Murphy, it's contagious... I-"

All of a sudden Lydia's eyes rolled back into her head and she completely collapsed against Bellamy who instantly held her against him in a bid not to let her hit the unforgiving ground.

"Come on doll, stay with me."

With pain in his eyes Bellamy scooped the younger girl up into his arms and all but ran in the direction of the dropship. As he carried her towards the ship it became obvious to Bell that Lyds wasn't the only one that was sick, all around him people were puking and coughing up blood, their eyes were bleeding and noses too. They were all dying.

"Don't you dare! Don't you die on me Lyds! Don't you die!"

"What's happening to her?" Murphy sat up, his eyes didn't leave his friends unconscious body for a moment. Even as Bellamy placed her down on a bed.

"She's sick, just like you. Whatever you got, she's got it too. And if she dies-

"I do too."

"Exactly." Bellamy glared, "Clarke! Clarke get in here!"

"Bellamy!" Finn yelled out, "What's going on? I heard Lyds collapsed!"

"Lyds, she's dying- I don't know what to do! I don't know how to help her!"

"Bellamy..." Murphy hissed

"What do I do Finn? You gotta go get Clarke, we gotta do something!"

"Bellamy! Turn her on her side! Now!" Murphy yelled, before he began to force himself from his hammock and over to his friend.

"Shit!" The Blake boy cursed upon seeing a half awake Lyds convulsing and spitting blood over herself.

At once, the two boys rolled her on to her side and Lyds spat the red liquid down onto the ground. She was ice cold and her lips were stained red, Lydia Greystone had become the embodiment of death. And truthfully Bellamy feared with his whole being what might happen to her.

"You almost let her die... Asshole."

"I would never- I-I was trying to save her!"

"Bellamy..." the small girl forced out, her hand touched his, "Its okay."

The older man smiled and rubbed a tear from his eye before kissing the back of his hand. He truly did need her, more than anyone had ever needed anything before. It didn't matter that she was sick, or that she was contagious, all he wanted was to be beside her.

"I'm not gonna leave you again, okay? You're mine, mine to take care of and to be there for... I won't ever let anyone hurt you."

"I believe you." She whispered with a soft yet somewhat broken smile.

It seemed that whilst Lyds and Bellamy were caught up in their own few stolen moments, Murphy had been sat idly alone, watching the pair with a certain fire in his eyes.

How could she? He was meant to be hers, his sister, his best friend, his family. Not Bellamy's. Bellamy was the man who hung him and made her watch, how could she fall for him so easily?

"I'm really that replaceable huh?" John whispered to himself, anger courses through his veins, "I'll show you how easily Bellamy can be replaced...

"I'll show you."

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