“I saw him when I dropped off the boys Tony...shit I am freaked out right now...what if something has happened to my boys Tony!” she said out loud as she finally voiced her fears.

“Nah don’t think like dat Tash, listen where are you now?” he asked trying to change the subject because he already thought that something bad was going down and now that he has just found out that Marcus had his sons with him he could only hope that his friend had taken his kids to some outing somewhere, but knowing his friend he knew that, that was probably unlikely but he hanged onto that thought for the time being anyway.

“On my way over to his yard init...what you gonna link me there or what?”

“Listen, I just come from there only ten minutes ago...but yeah sure I will swing round and meet you up there...how long before you reach?”

“The way that I am driving, I will be there in five minutes flat.” She said as she ended the call and threw her phone down onto the passenger seat. When she pulled into the estate where Marcus lived she saw that Tony was already there in his car waiting for her arrival which pleased her as she didn’t fancy this journey ahead of her on her own. Pulling up right next to his car she practically jumped out of her car without even bothering to pick up her handbag or phone of the seat. By the time she was out by the back of her car, Tony had got out of his car and was now standing beside her and as he looked at her panic stricken face he didn’t feel good at all. He had never seen Tash look this shit scared before and he had to admit that something was not right about this whole situation but he had to be strong for Tash sake, so putting on a brave face he started to walk towards Marcus block first and said “Maybe his reached back and he wouldn’t have gone far cah his ride is still parked round the back, I checked...”

“Yeah...maybe...” Tash replied doubtful as her steps turned into a sprint and she was then running up the stairs to the balcony. When she reached she was panting hard as she was out of breath but by the time she rushed over to his door she had caught her breath back enough to be screaming out his and the boys name through the letter box but to no avail. Nobody came; she got no response and only felt an uneasy feeling as she stood banging down his door, and at one point kicking it with her feet when her fist had had enough. But eventually Tony pulled her away and convinced her that Marcus was not in there as he would have answered the door. This she too believed but it helped her somehow as if she felt that she was doing something.

“Are you sure that you have tried everybody you could think of?” she asked as they both now sat in his ride after they had called everyone from the ends to see if they knew anything about Marcus and the kids disappearance, but nobody had seen or heard from Marcus.

“No there is nobody left to call Tash...I have tried every fucker out there...this shit aint funny no more...I know for a fact that Man aint going far without his ride, much less to go far with his youths...hell no...Sorry to say Tash but something is amiss here...something is seriously wrong!”

“Fuck this shit...I want my fucking kids Tony...what the hell does he think he’s playing at...well fuck this, I aint sitting around when something could be wrong...I am going to the police and I don’t give a shit what you or anyone else wants to say bout the matter!” she screamed as she could no longer stand around not doing anything and the not knowing where her children were was killing her. Grabbing hold of her by her shoulders, Tony shook her and shouted in her face “Calm yourself down Tash...you know you can’t be calling no fucking bull man up in this! Marcus would absolutely skin you alive...do you know how much illegal shit we have going on? Don’t be silly...”

“Don’t be silly...what the fuck then Tony...I don’t give a shit bout you and his shit...”she spat as he finally let go of her and rested back into his own seat. Sighing heavily he said “There’s only one thing left to do and that’s to broke into de yard...I will broke a window and then we will see if we can see if his left any clues as to where his gone...or we just wait for his return...but his gonna be pissed bout his window...as soon as I get in you can look on the net for a plasterer or whatever fucker comes and fix’s back windows...”

“Okay...but I aint gonna be sitting in his yard forever waiting on him...he is suppose to fucking call me...he has my youths out here with him...god his taking the fucking piss Tony...after this he will never have my boys again...watch and see...” She said shaking her head vigorously from side to side.

“Cool...we’ll wait till tomorrow, and then we’ll see init...let me get into the flat first init...” Tony snapped as he got out of his car, slamming the door he was glad to be leaving her as she was become more erratic by the minute and it was not helping him at all. After pulling out a metal bar from his boot he headed back to Marcus flat and again took the stairs. Wrapping his jacket around the bar, he pulled it back and then quickly brought it down onto the glass from the kitchen window which was the only one available that would be big enough for him to crawl through. As the glass shattered and fell everywhere he looked around to see if it had drawn any unwanted attention and was relief when he couldn’t see anyone around. Heaving himself up onto the ledge he carefully climbed through the broken window and jumped down quickly into the kitchen. As he stood in the middle of the room he knew that he didn’t have to bother calling out for his friend as if the breaking glass didn’t bring him running then he knew his friend wasn’t home but there was an eerie feeling in the flat, one he had never felt before when he had been round here. Then grabbing the metal pole from the counter he started for the kitchen door and when he approached it he very slowly opened the door as quietly as he possible could. He then crept through and headed for the front room but he stood in his tracks when he noticed that there was some blood smeared on the outside of the door. As he stood there rooted to the spot he began to fret as he didn’t want to go and find out what lay behind that door but he knew he had no choice in the matter so he grabbed the handle and slowly opened up the door to reveal the horror show inside. As he took in the scene he instantly gagged and threw his curry goat and rice up all over the floor right there in front of him. As he caught a glimpse of the little boy lifeless body he saw that he had nearly been decapitated and this was enough for him as he spun around and ran from the flat with his mouth wide open but without a single noise coming from his vocal cords. But downstairs in the car as Tash sat on edge she saw when Tony came bolting from the flat with his arms flapping from side to side and she knew that something terrible had happened in there. She nearly fell out of the car and onto the ground as she fought with the car door trying to get out. By the time she had made it to the entrance of Marcus block, Tony had reached the bottom and when he saw her standing there he burst into tears grabbing hold off her. Trying to pull away from him as she fought desperately to break free from his strong grasp and as he screamed through sobs “I am...so...sorry...their all gone...their all gone...you cannot go up ...please you cannot go up!”

“What are you talking about?”She screamed still wiggling from him and nearly broke free at one point but he only tightens his grip on her even more.

“They’re DEAD!” he screamed in her face and as the awful words sank in his grip on her loosened as she had finally stopped struggling because she had passed out right there and then.

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