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FIFTEEN - Small World (What goes bump in the night)

After bumping into Michelle and Tyrese, Maryanne had a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach, to the point where she was getting terrible cramping pains. She could tell just by Michelle face that she was angry with her and the last thing she wanted was to fall out with her but deep down she always knew that it would come to this if she choose to live a honest life and stop involving with herself with Michelle scams. Feeling her sisters anguish Andy suggested that they should go into the Kentucky Fried Chicken shop and get something to eat, knowing full well that Maryanne was hungry. She had complained earlier of not eating properly before they had linked up so Andy knew one thing that always cheered her up and that was her Variety Meal. Seeing a smile creep onto her face Andy nudged her sister playfully and gave her a wink, winking back Maryanne said "Thanks sis as I know you have to get back...are you sure that you have time? You've already followed me all the way down here!"

"No worries little sis, I am so proud of you, not only have you got yourself a part time job, you've also gone and enrolled in college...shit girl you are on a bloody roll here!" Andy said sincerely as she spoke from her heart.

"Thanks Andy...but its only one day a week!"

"So're trying to better yourself and I know that seeing Michelle earlier really upset you but to be honest Michelle I aint gonna lie and say that I am sorry cause I aint...I know that, that girl is a bad influence on you and she will get you into some serious shit that won't end well! You know that I am right and that is why you are doing all these changes...mum and dad would be so fucking proud of you Maryanne...just like I am now baby girl!" Andy said with tears welling up in her eyes, and then taking hold of her sister, she hugged her tightly for a short while. Pulling away first feeling a little awkward Maryanne stood back and gave her sister a big grin because after hearing her words of encouragement she knew that despite the fact that her relationship with Michelle may be ruined beyond repair she knew deep inside that it was the right and only thing to do to become a better person and to finally make peace with her demons. So feeling a weight being lifted off her shoulders which was weighing her down ever since she bumped into Michelle she linked arms with Andy while they headed on down the high street to get some fried chicken. As they approached the chicken shop the entrance with packed with a group of boys who were busily chatting away with each other but still managing to take time out to admire the two good looking girls going into the shop. Then one cute guy that stood out from the rest of them was giving Maryanne the eye, she was too busy acting coy to have noticed the tall black man standing to the left of her as she walked in and waited in line to be served from the Indian men behind the counter. After they had made their order and paid she took a few sneaky glances at the guys outside the shop to see if she could see the cute guy but to her disappointment she couldn't. But then to her surprise when they had their food and was leaving he was there all along, just out of view and when he ushered her over she didn't need asking twice to come over and talk with him as she instantly fancied him when their eyes made four upon first sight.

"Hey sexy, you gonna give me your number so we can link?" the cute guy asked grinning at her.

But before she had a chance to response Andy piped in behind her by saying loudly "Is that how you chat to girl? That was lame and trust you need to come better where my little sister is concerned mate!"

"Bwoy shaming man...alright your right but man can't talk to your sister on street...once we talk differently on a one to one programme then I can show your sister how sincere and hard working this nigger is trust...he he he...honestly I am one of the good guys...I will wine and dine your sister real good he ha he..." he said laughing and trying to come off as being a joker with a heart.

Then Maryanne decided that she needed to butt in to remind the guy why he had stopped her in the first place and take back the attention away from Andy and the banter they had going on so she said "I can understand that still...anyway I'm Maryanne..."

"Hey nice to meet you sexy Maryanne...I'm Ash..." he lied as he tried to sound sincere as he flash his winning grin at her as he played with the pink note in his trouser pocket. Continuing he said trying not to show how anxious he really was "So are you gonna give a man your number then so we can link on another level?"

"Sure...that would be nice." Maryanne said smiling shyly and giving her sister a quick glance.

The guy smiled as he fished out his phone, he then punched in her phone number as she recited it for him and just to ensure that there wasn't any mishaps later on when he saw the dude that was paying him for doing this he dialled the number ensuring that it really was hers and was relieved when her phone started to ring.

"So I will call you later on Sexy okay...we can chat proper then and away from prying eyes alright?" he said as he turned to leave because as far as he was concerned mission completed, job done he no longer needed to hang around and chat with the girl anymore, considering after today he probably wouldn't see her again and he really couldn't care less either way because as far as he was concerned there was plenty of fish in the sea. So once again as they went to leave Maryanne and Andy linked arms to walk down the high street to the bus stop. Andy couldn't stop teasing Maryanne about the guy she had just met and Maryanne couldn't believe her luck and she didn't want her bubble to burst but she didn't stop thinking that something had to go wrong and spoil her good run lately as normally nothing ever went smoothly for her. But every time she thought about him she got a tingly down her spine and she hoped that he may be the one as she had been single for quite some time now and she longed to be held by that special someone and now she just hoped that she had finally found him.

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