Chapter-11: Monster of Your Making

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Night: Stand aside you two. It's time I have had with these fools.

As though suddenly seeing the commanding Cinder in the guy they had just met, Emerald and Mercury moved out of Night's way.

It was as though he had made a decision that struck a chord within him, for an uncharacteristic and sinister smile adorned his features. Foxx had the advantage of being blind, but Yatsuhashi Daichi could see nothing but the bloody visage of a demon.

Night: Relax you two. I'll give you a taste of my realm.

Suddenly, it wasn't solely Night covered in blood, as a dense red obscured their vision like a hellish fog. Shadows making themselves out to be of what could only be the spawns of hell made Yatsu shudder more, but even Foxx trembled alongside.

Night: Only difference you'll find here, are the predator and the prey. Guess who is who?

Figures behind Night cackled, as though relishing in the misery being emanated from the two upperclassmen, now shaking as though having a seizure. Stuff of horrid nightmares began appearing all around, and they could do little but begin cracking under pressure.

Yatsu: Look, man, it wasn't us. We were ordered to target you and that's exactly what we did. I personally had nothing against you, I swear.

All around, fearsome cackling began to resurface, louder and more horrifying than before. But now, it appeared as though it was the demonic oppressor himself who had his mouth parted in a grotesque grin, cackling alongside the voices like a deranged beast.

Night: Yet, you did. And that too in crippling fear of some little girl? I am not a fool, your just doing this for your collective shits and giggles. Too bad I am the one smiling here.

Foxx: No, you don't get it! It's bigger than that. Ruby says it's for a greater cause than harassing a nobody!

Night: Oh? Intriguing. She said why?

No reply. Suddenly, a resounding crack rang out through the fog, making Yatsuhashi wince at his friend's fate.

Night: Such a disappointment. You need to be taught further as to why you shouldn't disappoint me. Tell you what, you gave me a bit information so I'll be benevolent and make you my slave. The catch is (hoarse whisper) you won't feel a thing....anymore.

The being held Foxx by his head and whispered some things in his ear, making him go motionless in an unnerving manner. Suddenly, his eyes, ears and mouth began bleeding as the being inserted a jagged-looking finger into the throbbing vein in his neck. Again he stopped moving, before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell onto the ground in a heap.

Yatsu: Wait, what's happening? I can't see anything.
Night: You shall see all that you don't want to see today, my sinful child. You just do not harm your betters.

Yatsuhashi's eyes grew a distant stare as he got pulled by his neck and his ear whispered into. He stood up, crying silent tears, as he began to walk through the fog to where all knew, would lead to a road no more.

And everything began to clear now, as did Night's appearance, who was momentary lost in thought. Emerald would have snapped him out of his stupor, had he not scared her worse than Cinder had ever managed to. Mercury, too, silently thanked his sheer will that he was but a minute away from actually running for his life.

Suddenly, Night spoke:
Night: Foxx will get up soon, don't worry.
Emerald: I am not, but what happened to the big guy?
Night: I sent him to a trip down memory lane....literally.
Mercury: Is the blind dude alive?
Night: Foxx? No, he's just a puppet now. He's the most useful of the two and I could use him for infiltration into the dorms to get more info on this shady person.

The sun was nearly down by now, courtesy of the lesser stinging feeling on the back of his neck.

Night: Thanks for the heads-up. Tell Cinder the problem has been taken care of, and give her back her sword. I'll thank her later, but I need to get back to my dorms.

Bidding their goodbyes, Night left Mercury and Emerald, the latter holding a searing sword in her hand. Before the burning feeling got too much and she attached it to her hip-belt.

Emerald: Doesn't her sword get unbearably hot to use for most?
Mercury: Who knows, nothing surprises me at this point. I just saw a stoic guy literally turning into a sadistic demon from hell.
Emerald: Only Cinder somehow manages to find such blokes, I tell you. Though that's less of a bloke and more of a fucking monster.

(Short chapter)

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