Chapter: 5-Fury Amidst the Storm (Part-1)

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My semblance, it was something I was born with.....a passive ability.
The ability of sensing the nature of aura in a person, I could always identify them by their colours.

Yellow stood for courage.
Red stood for determination.
Black stood for cautious.
White stood for grace.

My leader's aura is green, standing for hopeful. The headmaster's is olive, standing for wisdom. My dad's is light blue, standing for honour.

Yes, even by the intensity of colour aura natures could change.
Even the civilians had aura potential, as I had proven to Dr Polendina time and time again, since their colours were grey (dependent).
This ability was something not seen in a millennia. If I could sense how special someone is, it means I am something legendary myself.
It's why father trusts me so much with everything crucial. So I knew about the threat posed by Salem towards Remnant by the time I was 15.
She scared me.

So when I came across a certain man dressed in black, I was sure the worst of my fears were confirmed. That Beacon was indeed infiltrated by one of the Queen's followers.
...The name is Night Rune. What do they call you, bleach-hairs?...
The danger the man posed could be interpreted in a myriad of ways, for the first time ever, my aura sensory couldn't work.
His aura was colorless, but its nature inspired crippling fear.
There was no way this man couldn't be working for the Queen.

But I have got no proof to hand over to the Atlesian authorities regarding his allegiance. No matter, I will search for it till the ends of the Earth.
I won't let you hurt anyone here, Night. I'll make sure to have you killed.....for good!


???: Psst! Hey Rain!
I looked back to acknowledge my best friend.

January: Like you said, searching for Night would be far more interesting than listening to this old coot's lecture

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January: Like you said, searching for Night would be far more interesting than listening to this old coot's lecture.
Me: Search as in pummel the Earth for his existence then pummel him too.
January: Search as in putting him to the dirt where he came from, for good.

January is one of my classmates from Atlas who managed to make it into Beacon. None of my friends passed the initiation, either getting dragged through the air by Glynda after failing to come up with a landing strategy, or simply failing to bring back a single....fucking....relic.
Don't get me wrong though, it's not that I hate January. She just gets tiresome to deal with sometimes, too brash and proud.

January: Ya think he died in a ditch somewhere?
Me: January, can you please bother another guy instead of me?

January shrugged at that.

January: There ain't a guy as ballsy you, that oughta be obvious by now.
Me: What about that Wukong boy over there?

January and I turned our heads to look at the monkey Faunus, eating a banana whilst hanging upside down from the beam on top of his (team's) bench, all the while trying to sneak a peek at Belladonna rear part.

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