Chapter 1: Fallen Heart

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I am going on that Grimm extermination mission in Kuroyuri if your wondering why an S-rank mission is missing, don't you dare try and send someone to stop me, Ozpin.
Rune, Night

Ozpin: Geez, what has gotten into him lately?
It was quite odd to find a note of detectable fury nailed to the desk of the Headmaster's office, even more so when it is from the most polite student Beacon has to offer.
Glynda: Mr Rune has been adamantly avoiding any contact for the past two days with his teammates, friends and teachers. I think this is quite the cause for concern, you shouldn't have allowed him to take missions solo.
Ozpin: He's registered as an early Huntsman, and has shown considerably more talent in the professional department of Grimm extermination than even Qrow did as a pro one. It wouldn't be wise to underestimate him, Glynda.
Glynda: I am not. It's just that.....he seems very unstable for now. I am worried I might lose the boy in the process.
Ozpin: *sighs* You surely fancy that kid a lot.
Glynda: *blushes crimson* W-what are you t-t-talking bout?
Ozpin: *chuckles* He'll be fine. Meanwhile, I might want to have a word with Oscar about his behavior as team leader.

Night POV
Pilot: So, how does a C-rank huntsman-in-training get an S-rank mission?
Me: You saw the fucking slip, didn't you?

ilot: Yeah I did. Then again, aren't you early Huntsmen supposed to be the best of the best?
Me: Could you get off my back for the love of Oum? Your getting more annoying by the millisecond.
Pilot: Yeah, I can't help it. I am bored.
Me: Stop taking it out on me shithead and do your goddamn job.

It has been going on like this for the past hour. The pilot of the Huntsman bullhead won't stop talking. Like I don't know WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with the guy, but he's getting on my quickly pulsating nerves.

The bullhead was small, like the carriers used by the Schnees used for dust transport, but much nicer since it was for a solo S-rank Hunstman. But since I was an early Huntsman promoted by Ozpin himself, I was allowed.
I think I could have alerted him with that sudden note, especially since Kuroyuri was still overridden with a shitload of Grimm. Even Huntsmen like that little cock riding hood's uncle might have a problem dealing with those blackened beasts.
But I don't care.
I think I am broken enough to do this.
If I die, that's gonna be a relief really.
I hate this life I was born into, and I have my loved ones to thank for that.

As these words echoed in my mind, my fingers were wrapped around the hilt of my blade, grasping it tightly for some comfort.

As these words echoed in my mind, my fingers were wrapped around the hilt of my blade, grasping it tightly for some comfort

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Pilot: Oh Wow.
Me: What is it now?
Pilot: That knife looks beastly is all.
Me: It can do a lot more than look threatening and if you do not shut up in the next five seconds I'll demonstrate it on you.

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