100 votes special: Q and A session

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Seems like you have shown enough appreciation to this story. So, why not quench your thirst for knowledge by doing you all a simple favour myself?
Now, I know many of you don't know some aspects of the tale, and many of you may be curious about something else. All will be answered by Master Mayhem, soon enough.
What, you thought I would answer? Heh, I am sorry, but I can't waste my time communicating with mortals when I have something else to do. Someone to aid.
Someone to....document, as you may call it.

So, go on. Master will answer you instead. All you need to do is ask.

Well, that happened. Alright. To clear things up I will answer whatever you ask but as long as I feel like you won't be spoiled. But that doesn't mean I am not encouraging you to ask. For more than half the time I might answer the Ozpin (cryptic) way. Anyways, appreciate the support as always. You can ask questions now.

Go nuts.

Nectar of Vengeance (Cheater RWBY x Male Vampire OC)Where stories live. Discover now