"Let me take you home," he offered.

"I drove," she reminded him, "I can drive myself back."

"You need an escort?" Jax offered. "It seems to be a dangerous night."

Gemma scoffed and walked off while Clay and Opie ignored the flirting and spoke in whispers over Macy's unconscious body.

"You're unrelenting," she huffed. "Let's go, Teller."

When they arrived at Tara's she didn't have to ask him to join her, he just did, and the two of them sat on her father's couch somewhat awkwardly. "I'll have to make this up to you."

"No, thank you," she laughed. "Who knows what that'll entail."

"I'll leave the offer open," he smirked.

"How long have they been together?" Tara suddenly asked.


Tara chuckled. "Opie and Mace."

"They're not," he said staunchly. "It was a fucking thing."

"Oh, Jax, they're together," she said dubiously. "The way he looks at her, the way she looked for him for comfort despite Gem and Clay being there. They are totally together, I can't believe you don't know, that you can't see it."

"Think people can see it with us?" He asked, leaning closer.

Tara shied away, her cheeks flushing, and shook her head. "We're better at hiding it and we're not around them often."

"I'm in no rush," he told her.

"Me neither," she admitted. "I'm surprised you're not angry."

"About Ope? I am," he assured her. "I told him to stay away from her, I told her too," he huffed.

"They're cute," she told him. "Why do you care so much? He's your best friend and I'm assuming the one guy who would treat her really well."

Jax scoffed. "I don't even know," he admitted. "At first I didn't want another target on her, then when they first hooked up I was pissed he lied to me, he should have come right out with it, now, it's principal. Come on, Tara, she deserves better than any of those assholes."

"What about me?" She asked quietly. "Do I deserve better than you?"

"There is no better than me," he said seductively as he kissed her. Slowly crawling over her on the couch he slipped his hand up her blouse, "Watch, I can prove it."


"Tomorrow night, I'll be good," Opie assured Clay as they chatted outside leaning against his pickup. "Me, Jax and Juice?"

"Take Kyle and leave Juice, that little family vacation went on too long, I don't want him getting rusty," Clay told him.

"Alright," Opie said confidently. "I'll light it the fuck up."

"Goddamn Mayans," Clay grumbled. "Going after you, one of us, is one thing but Macy is a-goddamn-nother."

Opie nodded. "I'm glad she's okay."

"Me too, I owe you for that, brother," Clay said, laying a heavy hand on Opie's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for the way that shit went down," Opie said shamefully. "The ex, shit with Macy, I shoulda went right to you."

"We're not digging that up," Clay said sagely, "We just buried it."

"No, I know," Opie uttered.

"Then what's going on?"

Opie squared his shoulders and said, "I wanted to tell you I'm in love with your daughter, Prez."

Clay stood up from the bumper and punched Opie right in the nose, blood instantly pouring down his lips and chin.

"Fuck," Opie groaned, recovering from the blow.

"She cries one goddamn tear because of you I'll kill ya," Clay said with his finger in Opie's face, "And if you tell her about JT, I'll make you wish I killed ya."

With his hands over his nose, Opie nodded. "I won't say shit and I won't hurt her. I promise."

Clay nodded once before hugging Opie. "Get some fucking sleep, we don't need any fucking screwups tomorrow night."

When Opie walked into the house he saw Macy was awake, although dazed, on the easy chair where he left her. She smiled a little as he moved passed her and limped into the kitchen.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," he grumbled. "How you feeling?"

"High," she said with a chuckle, "But my leg kinda burns."

"Bullet wounds do that," he hollered while cleaning himself up.

Macy didn't reply, she just sleepily listened to the water sloshing in the sink. When she saw him coming back into the living room she sat up.



"Thank you for saving my ass again," she whimpered. "Wait, your face. When did that happen?"

"Didn't happen cause of a Mayan," he scoffed, "I'm just an idiot."

"That I knew," she sighed. "You guys going after them?"

Opie looked at her ominously.

"Not you though, right?" She leaned up a little bit as if to highlight the point. "You're not 100%, Ope. Please don't risk it."

"I'll be fine," he swore, kissing her head. "Can you make it up the stairs? I can't carry you, not for a few days at least," he laughed.

Macy slowly got to her feet and the two of them hobbled up the steps, leaning on each other, and went right into his bedroom.

"I'll change the sheets tomorrow," she said, sitting on the bed and taking her top off. "I just can't shower tonight, I can get blood stains out later."

"Need help?" He asked as she struggled with her pants.

"Please," Macy said, laying back on the mattress.

Opie gingerly removed her bloody, cut up jeans and joined her seconds later. They inched together like always and quickly passed out on top of the covers.

Don't forget to vote and comment! Feedback really pushes me to write faster! Xoxo

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