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A few days had passed and the charges against Camilla hadn't been dropped yet. If things went to plan they she'd have to be formally charged with an offence. On the bright side, she and Aubrey had something good to look forward to, with the rising success of their Key West restaurant Frings, the Toronto Sun newspaper were keen on doing an interview  with the pair of them about how the ins and outs of their business.

"Baby, should I smile or do that smouldering look?" Aubrey practiced as they stood in the main area, waiting for press.

"I like either, makes you look sexy" Camilla smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck as Aubrey kissed along her jaw and neck while firmly placing his hand on her hips.

"All that talk and you just might get-"

"Have some respect, people are eating out here, man" OB joked, walking out with Alijah in his arms. "You gotta talk to your parents, man, they wanna give you a sibling in front of all of these people" he spoke to Alijah.

"Yeah, yeah" Aubrey chuckled, greeting O .

"OB, why does it feel like we never see you?" Camilla laughed.

"I'm always here, it's you that's never here, C dawg" OB pointed at her.

"Good point" Camilla laughed, taking Alijah from him.

Once the reporters and camera crew had arrived, Aubrey and Camilla had gone through the range of questions they could be asked and had practiced with one another.

"Hi, I'm Lydia" the reporter smiled, shaking both their hands. "Thank you for meeting with us today"

"No problem" Aubrey grinned, proud of what was happening. This was success he'd dreamed and prayed about, to see it fully manifest was something he was almost struggling to comprehend.

"So, I guess my first question is, why did you start this business in the first place?"

Camilla looked up at Aubrey giving him the signal to speak first.

"Well, it's something we've spoken about since we were teenagers so as time went on and we were able to do this, we did"

"This is a pretty expensive place, where did you get the money to invest in this place considering you guys are quite young?" Lydia glanced over the faces of Aubrey, Baka and Chubbs when she asked.

Camilla felt Aubrey's body tense up at the sound of the question, based on the fact that it was unexpected. She took this as the go ahead to answer the question herself.

"My dad gave us half the money to do this, he also runs a business but wanted us to understand how important it was to work for things, so once he gave us the money, we worked our normal jobs and saved up" Camilla forced a smile, the reporter nodded at both of them.

"And I see that you have a young baby, how do you juggle being parents and owning a successful business?"

"I have to give a lot of the credit to my wife, it's definitely a process, but we do what we can to be around him as much as possible and we do get a lot of support from family and friends" Aubrey gestured to Camilla, wrapping an arm around her.

"You've mentioned before that you two are the face but you have a lot of behind the scenes help, is that family and friends or business associates?"

Aubrey gestured to Chubbs, Baka, Hush and 40. He couldn't take all the credit for Frings being successful when a lot of help came from his friends.

As the interview drew to a close, Aubrey held Alijah while Camilla stood on the other side, Chubbs, 40, Baka and Hush also huddled together as they all posed for a picture together.

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