Chapter 4- To Know an Angel

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Chapter 4- To Know an Angel

"Ah, come in, come in." Nadir ushered Gary and Christine forward. "Let us return to my office."

"I really don't know of anything that needs to be fixed, Mr. Kahn. It looks great," Gary said with a furrowed brow.

"He only told me that he was a little off on a few things. You want a perfect design, do you not?" Nadir asked lightly, although his intentions were not so light.

"Well yes, of course."

With every step the three took, the music got louder. Christine shivered in delight at hearing such a sound. The song was soothing, enticing, and so inviting. She sighed.

They walked past a door Christine had entered only once before. In there was the music. She stopped walking briefly just to bask in it. But, all too soon, she had to walk on towards Mr. Kahn's office so that her ways didn't cause unwanted attention.

Erik played with such grace. But all the while, one thought was on his mind. Please.. come to me.. Christine..

All he ever wanted was to feel like a normal man, after all. Hiding behind a mask had become old fast when he was younger. Now that he was in his twenties, it was excruciating.

He wished he could parade around like some people did, without masks, without nerves, without hate..  His loss of hope on such a dream had turned him into the hateful monster he was today. He was a recluse who felt he couldn't leave his own home.

Now, however, a girl in the shape of an angel had come to break the spell, he knew. She has come to rid me of my darkness and hatred! Really, though, his obsession with her was driving him to insanity.

If I can lure her in with my music, then sweet harmony can take place…

His sharp ears could hear everything outside his office door, even while he played piano.  The three were walking..  She stopped at his door for a moment!..  She was walking again..  He heard the door to Nadir's office close.

And now, I wait.

For some reason, right when Christine entered Mr. Kahn's office she felt the immediate need to get out. The air was thick with a feeling of displacement. It was almost as if she wasn't wanted in the office...  As if she were wanted somewhere else...

Her father and Mr. Kahn talked on and on. Christine wasn't even paying attention.  Her focus was only on her current feelings and-.. the music.  It was still playing in the distance.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore.

She abruptly stood from her seat, her breathing shaky. "I- I need to use the restroom."

Gary looked up at her with a raised eyebrow while Nadir asked, "Do you remember where it is?"

"Yes," Christine replied a bit quickly. "I remember." Then, she was gone.

Nadir had one thought on his mind as she exited.  There you go, Erik..

The music was comforting and welcoming as Christine entered the hallway, and she slowly began to walk towards it, as if in a dream.

Erik heard Nadir's office door open and close. Yes, he thought as he listened to her soft footsteps move down the hall towards him. He could even scarcely make out her darling breath. Just a little closer… Then he would take the opportunity...  3, 2, 1..


Erik stopped playing.

Christine stopped in her tracks when the music stopped playing. Oh no.. I don't want him to know I'm here!  Not again! Without thinking, she quickly tiptoed to the bathroom right across the hall from his office and silently shut the door.

In the Presence of an Angel (Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now