Chapter 5- The New Design

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Chapter 5- The New Design

If his need for her before was great, then his need for her now was greater. Christine had Erik wrapped around her finger and she didn't even know it.

So caught up in her was he that Erik couldn't concentrate on fixing the 'mistakes' on the Daae's design.

I cannot do this! He put the paper aside with rage coursing through his veins before stomping over to his piano.

It was utter lunacy!  How does one go about trying to fix perfection? He proceeded to play a haunting melody, and soon his racing mind was drawn inthe song.

It wasn't until afterwards that a plan began to form..

If only there was purpose to my music, Erik mused silently. He only played for pleasure, but ever since Christine came into his life he wanted there to be more purpose to his musical creations. Shall I write a series of preludes to occupy my time, perhaps?  Could music with clear definition sate this madness?  

No. That wasn't it at all..  In actuality, he wanted something to consume his time that he could eventually... show her.  

Something like a story.. with words.. and with Christine as the main character..

Then, another thought came him. She could sing this 'story'.. The words could be in the form of lyrics..

Finally, an idea hit him full force. An opera! An opera could entertain him for a long while, and then they could perform it.  Together.

It would be his new 'design', his new creation. He rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

All of these thoughts were causing other thoughts.  Erik gasped and stood from the bench as something else hit him. My design.. His mind went back to the Daae's new home.  He always designed exactly what the customer wanted.. but.. this time there were errors. It was not a lie! There were truly errors in his work.

His plan was sick... It would invade her privacy while fulfilling his desires simultaneously. But Erik did not think of consequences. He knew what he wanted.

Christine's new bedroom certainly is lacking something. It needs a balcony!  A balcony with a chair, where she can relax, or read.  And where I can observe her.  The backyard.. It needs a sort of haven. 

Erik rubbed his chin in thought. He wanted to add a building to the backyard. A shed-like building... His thoughts returned to the days of his residing in a shed. But this shed will hold accommodations set for the angel that she is! 

It came to him. It will be a dwelling for her singing to take place. Yes! Her own little world just for her voice.

His mind seemed to be spinning out of control as his pencil moved across the paper making the proper corrections and additions. The rage he once felt was completely replaced by an ecstatic delight.

Today was a big day.  Christine stretched and yawned before getting out of bed.  She was going summer job hunting today.  She wasn't excited about it, but the reality of the situation was that she needed to make her own money. Her father was going to be putting a lot of money into constructing the new house, so she needed to stay independent. 

She went downstairs and found her father reading the morning paper at the kitchen table. "Good morning, Dad."

"Good morning, sweetheart," he greeted.

"What do you want for breakfast this morning?" Christine always made breakfast for him before he went to work.

"Whatever you fix will be perfect."

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