Chapter 15- The Changing Point

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Chapter 15- The Changing Point

That night, Christine and her father were eating dinner together. It seemed as if they hadn't seen or spoken to one another in a very long time.

"How's the house coming?" Christine asked.

Gary smiled. He missed talking to his daughter. "It is really coming along. You need to come with me to see it sometime."

"Well, I have five days off, so.." She sounded, well, she sounded sad.

Her father noticed. "Christine, are you alright?"

She instantly regained a normal demeanor. Oh man, what am I doing? "Yeah, Dad. Why wouldn't I be?" Now she sounded overly cheerful.

And her father noticed that, too. His brow furrowed. Slowly, he said, "You can talk to me, you know." His voice was very kind.

She sighed and stood to begin loading the dishwasher. No Dad, I can't talk to you. You wouldn't understand anymore than I do..

Gary put the leftovers of dinner in the refrigerator and it was then that the phone rang.

"I'll get it." Gary picked up the phone and put it to his ear. "Hello?"

"Mr. Daae, this is Erik Delozier. I wish to speak to Christine."

"Just a moment." He put his hand over the speaker. "Christine, it's for you."

She put a dish on the counter and her father handed her the phone. "Hello?"

Erik was sitting on the piano bench in his office. He hadn't played anything in hours. But, he could still hear music. Her music. Hearing her sing had affected him so greatly that it was, quite frankly, all he could think about.

He closed his eyes finally thinking of other things. Of course, the others things were all related to Christine. He ran his fingers through his hair. I let her go and told her not to come back until Wednesday. Five whole days.. How could I do that? Why in the hell did I do that? I won't survive.

There was a knock on the office door. Erik became excited foolishly thinking that, perhaps, it was Christine. He ran to the door and threw it open. It was only Nadir. I am an idiot.

"Leave me in peace," Erik said while returning to his piano bench and sitting.

Nadir noticed that Erik sounded weak. "Peace is obviously the last thing you feel, old friend. What has happened?"

Erik shook his head in the negative and turned so he was facing the piano. But, he didn't play.

Nadir wouldn't give up. "Let me guess, then?"

There was silence.

He hesitantly asked, "Did Christine leave?"

That ignited a fire inside Erik. He turned towards Nadir. "Not of her own accord, if that is what you are insinuating. I forced her to leave. I could not have her in my presence any longer."

The dark skinned man's eyes widened. "You sent her away?"

He sighed. "Not for good. No, but it will feel like an eternity. She will not return for five days." He waited for Nadir to say something, but nothing was said. "You obviously do not realize how long that is. One hundred and twenty hours, Nadir!" His voice grew louder. "And, perhaps she will not return! Perhaps she will forget me! She will discard all thoughts of Erik."

Nadir watched his friend sadly.

Erik looked at Nadir desperately. "What if she does not come back? What will I do?" His eyes looked in every direction hopelessly. "What will she do? I do not want her to leave my life. She cannot leave!" His eyes returned to Nadir. "She cannot leave, Nadir!"

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