Chapter 33- The Final Decision

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Chapter 33- The Final Decision

Erik and Christine had been on the road for seven hours. The drive was taking an excruciatingly long time in both of their opinions. They still hadn't spoken a word to one another, but that wasn't to say that they were bored. On the contrary, both were consumed in their own thoughts.

Christine was growing more and more nervous. They were getting closer and closer to her apartment, and she still hadn't come to a decision about what to do when she got there. What will happen to Erik? The thought refused to leave her mind.What am I going to do? Her eyes shifted towards the man to her left, the insane kidnapper who had done everything in his power to make her life hell. She'd all but given up hope... Thinking back on it, Christine really had been close to losing every bit of will and sanity she possessed. And it was all thanks to him! That monster!

And yet, Christine was torn. Yes, he kidnapped her. Yes, he was insane. Yes, he had done everything in his power to keep her against her will. But he wasn't a monster. He was just a man, a man whose entire life had been a nightmare due to a deformity and whose entire mental outlook had been warped because of it. Something Nadir had explained back weeks ago continued to stay in the forefront of her mind. He doesn't know right from wrong… But since when does that make everything ok? her mind questioned harshly. He didn't know that kidnapping me was wrong? Big deal! All the more reason to lock him up!

Her eyes suddenly widened as she went back over her thoughts. That's right, he 'didn't' know… But now he does. He's finally figured it out. All the time I spent trying to teach him wasn't a waste. He's changed… Really though, was it naïve of her to be thinking that? There's only one way to find out..

"Erik," Christine began while turning her head to look at him. "I need to know something." Her tone was firm and controlled. It felt so good to feel 'in charge'. "Do you realize now that kidnapping me was wrong?"

Erik blinked in surprise. He hadn't expected there to be any talking between them. The drive was supposed to be a way of mentally preparing himself for what was to come when they got to their destination. So why did it sound like she wanted to have a conversation? He took a moment to comprehend her question before nodding once. "Yes. It was wrong. It is unforgivable. It is something that I cannot undo. Therefore, I must pay."

The word, 'pay' was spoken with such fierceness that Christine shuddered. "And you're sorry?" she asked softly.

A long, shaky sigh escaped him. Sorry. Oh, how sorry he was… But he couldn't even begin to explain it to her. If he tried, he was sure to lose all control again. His main focus had to be on getting her back to her father safely. " 'Sorry' does not even begin to describe the regret I feel." It was a simple statement, yet Erik still found he had to swallow back tears.

A few minutes of silence passed between them as Christine thought things through. "I've been thinking," she finally said while looking down at Erik's cell phone in her lap.

Erik continued to look forward. Really, he only barely heard her words. He wasn't worthy… He just wasn't worthy of hearing her, of looking at her, or of even being in the same car as her.

"It's up to me, isn't it?" The question was rhetorical. "I can either let you be arrested or I can… let you go." Her last three words were whispered.

Now that caught Erik's attention. He glanced her way with a frown before facing forward once more. "What?"

"I just.." Christine sighed but tried to underplay her deep emotions. She didn't need him feeling all hopeful or anything, although she had a feeling that wasn't at all what he was thinking. "I have a lot to think about," she said with a shrug.

In the Presence of an Angel (Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz