Chapter 17- The Voice Lesson

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Chapter 17- The Voice Lesson

Christine walked towards the den of the apartment after having just returned from her date with Raoul. She sighed heavily upon entering the room but quickly wished she hadn't…Her father was exactly where she'd left him, reading on the recliner. She felt physically exhausted and tiredly sat on the couch. "Hi, Dad."

His eyes widened at the sullen look on her face and her tone. "Hi.. Did you have a good time?" he asked cautiously.

She nodded dejectedly and watched his brow furrow in confusion. Forcing a happy tone, she said, "It was fun. Raoul always seems so relaxed. It's pretty easy to feel comfortable around him."

"Well, that's good." Gary felt it was about time Christine relaxed a little. She always seemed to be so busy. "Where did the two of you go?"

"The Olive Garden," she replied distantly. Already, her mind seemed to be drifting away from their conversation. Why did he have to kiss me? Why? Christine hated this amount of confusion because, no matter which way she looked at it, she somehow had a feeling this would affect things with Erik. Erik… He wasn't who she wanted to think about. She was doing too much of that lately. All he did was cause more confusion. Oh, how she wished to lean forward and scream… But that's when she heard her name.

"Christine?" It was the third time he'd tried to get her attention. What is wrong with her? What could be going through her mind? Finally, she snapped out of it and looked at him. "Good," he said, relieved. "I was beginning to worry."

That was the last thing Christine wanted. She didn't want her dad to worry about her. She wanted him to be happy and, unlike herself, carefree. "Sorry, I think I'm just tired." Yes, I will go to my room. Then I won't be worrying him anymore. "I think I'll go to sleep now. Good night, Dad." Christine stood and walked towards her bedroom, not even waiting for a reply.

Gary was left with a confused expression. He only wished she would open up to him more.

Christine didn't want to care. She didn't want to have to feel bad for going on a date with Raoul. She didn't want to think of Erik and how he would react if he were to find out. But… Would he be mad? Would he even care? Would he send her away? Would he want to see her again?

She put her purse on her dresser and changed into pajamas. There wasn't a doubt in her mind now- the way Erik looked at her seemed to be confirmation that he liked her. And maybe she was overreacting.. Maybe he didn't like her that much, maybe only a little. Either way, though, Christine didn't like it. The knowledge was making her feel extremely uncomfortable. Now, with the new nerves she felt, she wondered if she'd even be able to sing in his presence. Her voice always sounded horrible when she was nervous, and a man like Erik would be able to figure that out in less than a second.

So what should I do? She needed the job for money, she needed his accompaniment for singing, and she needed him to be her voice teacher.

Quite frankly, she needed him too much. And that was a switch! Before now, she'd only been thinking about how much he needs her. I'm always saying that he needs my help, and he makes it clear that he wants me around. What a change for me to feel like I need him! She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair anxiously. What should I do?

The following day, Erik was in good spirits. It seemed nothing could get him down, not even his annoying co-worker.

Nadir was standing at Erik's office door looking at him expectantly. "What would you like me to do today?"

Erik actually smiled, his eyes cheerful. He watched as his co-worker blinked. "Nadir, take the day off. Relax."

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