Chapter 7- Sonic and a Call

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Chapter 7- Sonic and a Call

The following day, Christine was sitting alone at the kitchen table eating lunch. She occasionally hummed a piece of music she was studying for the summer.

After finishing her grilled cheese sandwich, she began washing dishes.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

It seemed every time someone called, she would jump. It was just.. he had said he would call frequently. She took a deep breath and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"May I speak to Christine Daae?" a woman asked.

"This is she."

"Ms. Daae, this is Sharon Tufts from Sonic. You turned in an application yesterday. I would like to talk to you more about it. Can we set up an interview time?"

Christine was stunned. Sonic's not so bad, she thought optimistically. "Yes, that'd be great."

"Are you free today at 2?"

"Yes, I am." This lady sounds nice. Yes!

"Excellent. I will see you then."

They hung up with one another, and Christine proceeded to jump excitedly in the middle of the kitchen and throw her hands in the air triumphantly. "Yes!"

Erik paced his office looking down at his watch every few minutes. When should I call? When? All he could think about was seeing her again. He could not even compose. His thoughts were locked on Christine.

There was a knock at his door, and Erik stopped pacing. "Come in, Nadir."

Nadir entered the room looking tired and ill-set.

"What is wrong with you?" Erik asked eying his partner with annoyance.

"Erik, the phone has been ringing off the hook. People want to do business with you. I know that you told me to leave you be, but we are losing potential customers."

"Nadir, we are rich as kings. We could retire now if we wished to. The ones who are calling will go elsewhere. Do not worry about such things. Go-.." Erik thought for a moment before continuing. "Go finish off the brandy. You look horrible."

Nadir couldn't help but laugh at his words. Erik said nothing, but Nadir knew he was about to say the usual, 'That will be all'. He couldn't let that happen. I need to get to the bottom of this.. this mess with Christine Daae. "Erik.. old friend.. Why are you doing this?" There, he'd finally gotten it off his chest.

Erik had a look in his eyes like Nadir had just falsely accused him of something. "Why am I doing what?" he asked icily.

"Why continue to think of her? She is gone, Erik."

That was when the masked man exploded in rage. He clung to the edge of his desk with a hard grip. "She is not gone! She is not! My angel is waiting for me! She knows I will call!" He then began searching for the phone with clouded eyes. "I must call her."

Nadir rubbed his forehead succumbing to exhaustion. "Erik.." Then, when his friend said nothing but continued searching for the dreaded phone that was right in front of him, he yelled in a voice he rarely used, "Erik!"

Erik was not used to Nadir's tone, and his eyes regained focus. He turned and looked at Nadir in a more stable frame of mind. "I know… I know she is gone.. She will not think of me.. She does not wish for me to call.." Covering his masked face with his bony hands, he shuddered and proclaimed, "She does not love me!"

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