Chapter 22- Stalker, Victim

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Chapter 22- Stalker, Victim

"Christine, what's wrong? What happened?" her father asked frantically. Christine was sitting on the kitchen floor leaning against the front door. He moved forward to help her stand and noticed that she was shaking uncontrollably.

"I-..It-.." What do I say? Should I tell him?..


He looked so worried. His brow was furrowed, his eyes were wide, and he was frowning. No, I can't tell him. I don't want to worry him. "N-nothing," she lied. "I just.. I thought I saw something outside. Like some kind of weird animal or something. But I-I'm fine. It was probably just my imagination."

Gary wasn't convinced. There was something terribly wrong with his daughter, and he wanted to know what it was. "You need to tell me the truth, Christine. What is going on?" He spoke slowly and with a stern tone.

No! I'll deal with this on my own. I'll leave tomorrow. Everything will be ok.. Her thoughts weren't reassuring enough.. not by a long shot. But I'm not going to tell Dad. With sudden strength, her body stopped shaking and she stood up straight. "Dad, I'm fine. I was scared for a second, but I'm fine now. No worries," she said with a smile. She then nonchalantly brushed his hand off her shoulder and began walking towards her bedroom. "I'm kind of tired, though," she said without turning to look at him. "I think I'll go to sleep so I can leave early in the morning. Good night, Dad."

He watched her leave with concerned eyes. Something isn't right. She shouldn't be behaving like this. Gary walked towards the kitchen window and looked outside trying to locate whatever had scared her. It was dark, so he couldn't see clearly. Everything looked to be in place, though. Why does she seem so stressed all the time?

Christine marched over to her bedroom window and shut the blinds. Then, she crossed her arms and sat on her bed, her back facing the window. She ran her fingers through her hair anxiously while sitting in thought. So he does know where I live.. He's spying on me. He's stalking me? She shuddered. The text message replayed through her mind. 'Where are you going, Angel?' How does he even know my number?... She rubbed her forehead not being able to think of when she could have given it to him. I guess during the time I worked in the mansion, I must have told him. But he's always only called the apartment phone.

She breathed deeply. Why is he doing this? Because he 'loves' me, of course, but just because you love someone doesn't mean you become some creepy stalker.

After a while, Christine moved so that she was lying on her back staring up at the ceiling. What am I going to do? How am I going to get him out of my life?

Erik was positioned behind some bushes across the street from Christine's apartment. His eyes were staring at Christine's car. He was actually quite agitated by the fact that she hadn't sent him a text message. I must know where she is going. By the looks of it, she will be staying wherever she goes for an extended period of time.

Of course, without question, he would follow. No way would he allow his love to leave unprotected. After all, as he'd already said before, he was her guardian now. With that title held responsibility. The word 'guardian' sounded like he was doing some sort of chore, though. Erik frowned. That wasn't the case at all. He would travel to the ends of the earth to find her, he would die for her, he would kill for her.. It wasn't a chore to be her guardian. No, it was his destiny.

He decided to wait in his car. Since he was a clever man, he had switched cars while at the mansion to avoid suspicion. This time, he wasn't in his black Jaguar. He instead chose a more discrete red vehicle, yet the windows were still tinted. Yes, I will wait for her to leave, and I will then follow.

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