Chapter 6- Talks and Drinks

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Chapter 6- Talks and Drinks

Christine walked slowly towards the front door of the magnificent mansion wondering what she would say and how she would act in front of Erik this time. It seemed very probable that she would embarrass herself again because, let's face it, that was easy. And she was beginning to know why it was so easy... He made her uneasy, and jumpy, and shaky.

And yet, even after behaving ridiculously twice in his presence, he still wished to see her again? It didn't make sense. She shrugged and rang the doorbell.

But no one came...

Erik shuddered pleasantly when he heard the ring of the doorbell. The angel was at his door, waiting for him. In a rush, he exited his office meeting Nadir in the hallway. "There is no need for your service at the present time."

Nadir looked at him with skeptical eyes. "You are going to answer the door?" He never does that...

"Yes. am." The doorbell rang again. "That will be all."

Nadir walked away with a sigh and Erik walked towards the door. Before opening it, he looked out a side window to make sure Christine was alone. He didn't need her father crowding up their personal time.

There she stood looking marvelous in a tasteful white sundress. The color caused his lips to curl upward. "She truly is an angel," he whispered.

Then, he opened the front door slowly, squinting slightly as unfamiliar sunlight hit his eyes. "Good afternoon," he softly said after his eyes adjusted. He gazed down at her.

It seemed she was surprised by his coming to the door. "Hi," she returned.

"Come in." He made a smooth motion with his hand and, after she walked inside, he closed the door a little too quickly.

Christine almost jumped when she heard the door shut so abruptly. It reminded her of the incident in his office.. "Um, so, you've finished the design?" She shifted awkwardly under his stare.

Erik was less than seven feet away from her. "I have," came his soft reply.

His blue eyes bore into her green ones, and Christine found she finally had to look away from such intensity. She waited for him to say something else with a blush permeating her cheeks.

Erik almost forgot that he could speak, for he couldn't stop staring at her. She was so close to him. He could smell a sweet fragrance cascading off her delicate figure. The angel smelled so good..

He finally blinked and came back to reality when she looked away. "Right this way." He led her to his office while saying, "I believe you will like the finished product. I have added a few touches of my own."

Christine frowned at that. A few touches of his own? But Dad had specific instructions. He's supposed to follow those instructions, not venture out on his own.

They entered his office, and Erik shut the door behind them. Christine was, once again, invited to sit in the most comfortable chair. She waited while he went to a drawer and pulled out some architecture paper.

Christine looked around her. His office really was something. There were drawings on the walls, which she supposed he had created. And, they were all so beautiful! There was one of roses, three of Ayesha, one of the most fascinating forest she had ever seen, and one of someone in a wedding dress. The person in the picture was turned away, so she couldn't identify who it was. A grand piano took up one half of the room. A curio cabinet held what looked to be priceless jewels. All in all, after viewing everything, it was very obvious that this man had money. Christine felt very unworthy to be sitting where she was.

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