Chapter 14- The Voice of an Angel

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Chapter 14- The Voice of an Angel

Christine looked at a picture taken from Spring semester of her and Meg. She was excited about starting a new semester and seeing her best friend again.

Never would she have thought back when the picture was taken that she would be where she is now...

Her thoughts returned to her current situation. She'd been working for Erik for a week now. Christine actually enjoyed the 'work' part of the job, for organizing was one of her hobbies. The company she worked around, however, caused her to always be on edge.

Though Erik would leave the office at time while she worked, he wouldn't ever stay gone for long. The man always came back for different reasons.

It was strange. They rarely spoke while she worked. He would give her refreshments, play piano, and simply look at a wall while petting Ayesha, but he wouldn't talk very often.

Stranger still was that Christine wanted to talk to him. She honestly wanted to get to know Erik. She wanted to help him, as Nadir had insinuated before.

Tomorrow will be different, she vowed. Tomorrow we are going to have a conversation.

"Christine." Erik acknowledged her presence as she entered the mansion on Friday morning. "How are you?" Again, that imploring tone.

She stepped into the foyer and turned to face the masked man. "I'm fine. And how are you?" Her tone was almost as imploring as his.

Erik blinked, not expecting that. She was usually so shy. "I am doing well," he answered before leading her to his office.

Christine really wanted to continue a conversation with him, but she didn't know what to say. "What do you want me to do today?" she asked.

Erik looked into her eyes patiently, as if they had all the time in the world. "Are you done organizing files?"

She nodded.

"My, you work fast." He watched as she blushed at his compliment. "Well, allow me to think.." Erik hadn't expected her to be finished with his first task so quickly. His second and last task for her was to organize his music, but then, that was the scary part. How long would it be before she was done with it, as well? Would she not want to work here anymore?

In truth, Christine being in the mansion every day meant more to Erik than even he knew. He didn't want that to end. It couldn't end. "I suppose you can organize my music now."

Christine was nearly jumping with excitement. This was what she'd been waiting for!

Erik studied her with interest. "Perhaps you would like to join me in the kitchen for a cup of tea beforehand?"

He sounded so timid. Surprisingly, Christine smiled at him. She watched as he did the strangest thing. He backed away slightly. She tilted her head to one side, but, before she could ask him about it, he turned and began walking towards the kitchen. She followed.

When they arrived in the kitchen, Erik made a gesture with his hand and she sat at the table obediently. Christine knew it was now or never. She really needed to stop being afraid of him. Ok, here goes… "So, Erik, tell me a little about yourself," she said very nonchalantly.

Erik almost dropped the kettle he was carrying to the sink. He stared at her and asked, "What do you mean?"

Christine smiled wanting him to feel comfortable. "I mean, where are you from? Do you have family?"

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