Chapter 34- Don't Forget

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Chapter 34- Don't Forget

Erik's POV

Before one year ago, I never knew darkness, although I thought it was my companion. I thought darkness was the symbol of my existence. Oh, how wrong I was.

I was not alone before one year ago, for I lived with another and was the owner of a precious feline. Music and architecture made up the very fibers of my being. Therefore, I did not know darkness.

Before one year ago, a bright, confident Erik lived in Tallahassee, Florida. He had a spacious mansion, a successful business, infinite amounts of money, a loyal business associate, a beloved pet, and music.. so much music.

That Erik was content.

And then, a brighter, more confident, and much more content Erik took the previous Erik's place, and it was all because of an angelic girl that the new Erik came to be.

This Erik knew love and loyalty. Darkness was far from his mind, and yet it crept closer unbeknownst to anyone.

Such a happy Erik could not be, for happiness only stayed with the worthy and fortunate.

No, once lies, deceit, and betrayal were known to this Erik, the downward spiral was inevitable. What took place was simple. The angel and the business associate had lied to Erik. They had tricked him.

So, the business associate had paid dearly for his sin by entering a torturous chamber, and the angel had been taken to a cabin in the mountains. To Erik, everything had worked out perfectly.

Perfection could not last, though. Not for Erik. Never for Erik.

The angel was unhappy. She wished to leave Erik.

Erik was forced to see truth.

And with that truth, the darkness came. The angel went home, and a new Erik was born.

I was born.

"You're looking well, Nadir," Gary Daae complimented while standing.

Nadir Kahn walked forward and shook Gary's hand in greeting. "Thank you. I'm feeling well," he said.

Gary resumed his seat and watched as Nadir took a seat across from him. It was a Sunday afternoon, and they were at a quaint coffee shop in Tallahassee. The men always made a point to meet once a month, and this was serving as their August meeting. "How's the shoulder?" Gary asked casually.

"Fine, fine," Nadir replied lightly. Both knew it was no light matter, but it was better to keep it as such. In actuality, Nadir was lucky to only suffer from an injured shoulder. It could have been far worse. It was best not to bring that to the light, though. "When do classes resume?" he asked, referring to Gary's job as a college professor.

"Well, I start back next Monday. Students descend next Thursday." They laughed at his choice of words.

Light conversation was nice, but really, it was only a matter of time before the real focus of every meeting came up. Today, it would be Nadir who brought it to the surface first.

"How's Christine doing?" His tone became a little more serious, his focus deepening.

The sound of his daughter's name always made Gary sit up a little straighter. Every ounce of his attention immediately focused on the most important part of his life. "She's doing very well. I remember telling you last month that I was unsure if she would attend college this semester. Well, Christine and I talked about it a lot. As it turns out, she is going to be attending Florida State University again this fall."

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