Hosea Matthews: Interested

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"No, I'll take you...I just...never mind, come on" Hosea shook his head. He wasn't an idiot, he wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to spend some time alone with you outside of the camp. Since he did genuinely enjoy spending time with you.

"Oh...okay, I'll meet you at the horses" you smiled again and Hosea noticed the happiness return to your expression, and that made him smile because he couldn't help but think that he was the reason you just smiled. Perhaps it was a long shot but it made Hosea happy to think it.

You walked away with a smile on your face. You could've easily gone to Valentine on your own but you had decided that this was the day that you were going to get the attention of Hosea Matthews. Hopefully this day would go the way that you would like.

So you collected anything that you needed before meeting Hosea at the horses. He mounted Silver Dollar before holding his hand down to you, you smiled as you took his hand and mounted his horse, sitting behind Hosea. The ride into town was silent and you wondered why Hosea felt so tense as you wrapped an arm around his waist to maintain your balance.

Once you arrived in Valentine, Hosea dismounted Silver Dollar before taking hold of your waist and helping you down from the horse. Hosea steadied you on your feet before dropping his hands from your waist. He hitched his horse before you both watched further into the town.

"So what did Dutch want you to get?" Hosea asked, wondering why the pair of you where even here in the first place.

"Not much, just some bits and pieces" you shrugged.

"For the camp?" he asked, thinking that you probably should have brought a wagon for that, not just a single horse.

"No, actually it's just for Dutch. He needed a few things and asked me to get them for him" you told the older man with a small smile.

"Have you got a list?" Hosea asked.

"All up here" you chuckle as you tap your temple with your finger, Hosea chuckled along as he looked down at you. "Alright, he needs some gun oil, hair pomade, some cigarettes...oh and Kieran asked me to pick up some bait for fishing" you nodded along at the shopping list you were given and expected to remember.

"Okay, well, that can all be found in the general store...we might have to go to the gun smith for the gun oil but the general store should sell it" Hosea hummed, at least the task was simple. However, he would've liked to have been able to have more time with you.

"See, I knew you would be useful" you teased with a happy smiled as you looped your arm through his and walked through the town. Hosea was a little surprised by your gesture but had no intention to push you away, he liked having you on his arm like this.

You and Hosea went to the general store to pick up the supplies, having to stop by the gunsmith for the gun oil, but in the end you got everything that you needed. With your arm still linked with Hosea's, you both returned to the horse and put the supplies away in the horse's saddle bags.

"Well, that was a job well done, how about a drink?" You suggested with a playful smile.

"Sure, I'm in no hurry to get back to camp" Hosea nodded, hiding the fact that he was slightly overjoyed that you wanted to spend more time with him.

"Good, because I think that I'm going to keep you here for a little while longer" you smiled as you looped your arm around Hosea's once again, letting him walk you towards the saloon. You knew that you and Hosea would be an irregular couple, with the large age difference and all, but you couldn't find it within yourself to care at all. The truth was that you had developed strong feelings for Hosea and you wanted to be able to express that, you at least wanted him to know about it.

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