Sweetheart [Little Short Story Idea Thing]

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"R-ReAlLY?" Error asked with childish excitement bouncing on the balls of his feet, Geno nodded and placed his now cleaned glasses back on his face. Error had a small yellow blush forming on his cheeks from all the compliments. Blue then quickly joined in before Error could recover from being flustered.

"Are we talking about how amazing Error is!?" His voice boomed throughout the room, catching the attention of a few people that had drifted closer to the group. Error face was slowly lighting up a bright yellow. Geno smiled and nodded making Blue's smile widen, he quickly threw his arms around Error in a tight hug. It was rather easy seeing as he was more than a few inches taller than the God. Error giggled hugging Blue back, "I mean, he definitely the most colorful skeleton in the room, I didn't even know color could look so amazing on someone." Blue pointed out, gesturing the Error black dress that had an array of colorful poke-a-dots on it. A green sash tied around his waist ending in a perfect large bow in the back. And to top it off he had a cute bear-themed overcoat with a small hood attached. If it were to be pulled up it would show off the small ears and face sewed into the hood.

Geno had made the overcoat mainly in theme with Error's nickname, which was 'Baby Bear' gifted to him by Fresh and adopted by Geno. The half-dead skeleton actually happened to be the one teaching Error how to knit. But besides that, Fresh was obviously the one that got to pick out Error's clothes seeing how colorful they were. Error had requested that he get to wear his overcoat with whatever Fresh picked out. Even if it didn't match Fresh allowed it seeing how much Error loved it. He wore it all the time and never took it off and when Geno made him take it off for cleaning he would cry for a while before Fresh or Blue distracted him.

Geno smiled at the flustered skeleton and ruffled his skull making Error giggle softly. Fresh smiled at them before glaring at the onlookers, Classic being one of them wasn't bothered by Fresh's cold stare. While the others just quickly looked away Classic stopped his conversation with Red and approached the little group. Much to the skeleton's surprise he was smiled at by Error. Or at least from what he could catch a glimpse from as everyone towered over him, but at this point, he just assumes he's being welcomed by the god. Judging by sleeve covered hands that were raised into the air and shaking around as if to wave at him.

Classic let out a small chuckle and waved back, closing in on the group he could finally see Error. It surprised him seeing this tiny child they conflicted with the stories Ink told them. "Sup kid, Fresh, Geno, Blue." Classic greeted keeping an eye on Error, he really didn't match any of the stories he's been told. Ink never described Error as being this cute or childish. Classic looked at Geno who had a harsh glare pointed at him. "Mind if we move to the kitchen?" Classic spoke in a soft tone, tilting his head in the direction of the kitchen. Geno looked at him for a moment before sighing softly.

"Sure, sure. Error, honey, we're going to the kitchen, wanna come?" Geno asked softly looking down at the small child-like god. Geno's words threw Classic for a loop, his normal standoff-ish personality didn't match the way he talked to Error at all. Classic's attention was drawn to Blue who smiled at him and patted him on the shoulder. He quickly bounded for the kitchen, Error nodded, and Geno smiled softly taking his sleeve covered hand in his. Much like Toriel would when walking with Frisk and started towards the kitchen. Fresh walked behind them covering the two from view as much as possible, not that he really meant to, he just didn't want anyone picking on poor Error when they walked by. Classic slowly followed them, tons of questions flying through his mind.

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