Chapter 6

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My eyes fluttered opened and I happily took in the scent of his cologne. I was so comfortable in his arms, hearing his light snores. I peeked up at him and my infatuation grew stronger.


I can’t believe I actually invited him in my home. But it was true, the thought of sleeping alone in my house frightened me. He’s been smiling ever since we got up here.

"Um, I know you don’t have a change of clothes so if you need to go to the store or—"

"I’m fine Crystal."

"You say my name in, like, every sentence." I gushed. He chuckled and spread himself out on my bed. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Um sir, what do you think you’re doing?" my shyness went out of the window.

"I’m laying down," he smirked as he peeked one eye at me.

"You taking up the whole bed," I pouted. In one swift motion, he grabbed my waist and pulled me down on top of him. I got nervous because we were just staring at each other. Before anything got heated because I desperately wanted to kiss him, I rolled over.

I think he understood that I didn’t want to rush anything because after that, he just cuddled up behind me. His touch was electric and I just enjoyed the moment for a while.

Not even 3 minutes later, I heard snores escaping his lips. I giggled lightly and fell asleep afterwards.

*Flashback ends*

What happened might not be much to other people but it meant a whole lot to me. Just being in his arms felt good to me.

I was just about to fall back asleep when the door busted open. I got up with the quickness and ran towards the door.

"India?!" I brushed her hair out of her face and tears fell down my face. She looked so worn out and tired. I just wanted to cry and apologize for making her come to school. I looked at the back of her to see if what she said was true and sure enough, there was a huge bruise. 

"Holy shit, do we need to take her to the hospital?!" Marcus asked when he saw the mark. I forgot he was here.

I looked back at him and just cried. He rushed to comfort me but I just broke down. 

"I…" India spoke roughly, "I just… want.. to s-shower." she managed to say. 

August was supposed to take care of her and look how my sister came back to me! I swear, if I ever see him I’m going to hurt him!

Marcus and I helped her to the shower. She was covered with dirt spots and sweat.

"How could you… how could you have a guy over?" she spoke slowly. "You… you tell me I can’t stay… with a guy. But you… you sleep with one?"

I turned to Marcus and said, “I can handle this.” 

He nodded in understandment and walked away.

"India, nothing happened between Marcus and I. But I know that sometimes you can be a little reckless and you don’t control yourself. I just didn’t want anything to happen to you. I mean look, you left with August and you come back like this." I sobbed.

"I’m… just tired… and hungry."

I unclothed her and it was so hard helping her shower. I dried her off and put some baggy clothes on her so she could be comfortable. I had Marcus carry her back to bed. Luckily, while I was washing her, he thought to make her some soup. I’ve never met anyone so caring about others.

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