Chapter 21

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*One month later*


"Baby, please. You've been home for a week now and you won't even let me hug you." I pleaded with India as she sat on the other side of my bed. "I just want to be there for you."

She glared at me harshly, "Chris. I don't need any hugs and I don't need your sympathy. I don't want to be treated like a baby because of what happened so just stop!"

"How can I treat you the same as before if you won't even let me touch you. You're getting slimmer because you don't eat and because of that, you're losing sleep. How am I supposed to deal with that?"

Looking at me like I was crazy, she chuckled, "How are you supposed to deal? I don't believe you were there getting abused like I was Chris. I don't believe you were the one in the coma, lucky to even be alive. And I don't believe that you are the one that has all of these UGLY fucking scars all over their body from stitches and open wounds. Man the fuck up Chris!" She hopped down from the bed and stormed out of the room causing me to sigh. 

It's been like this all week. All we do is argue now.

Shit was perfect before this happened and now, it's got her all fucked up in the head. She hasn't cried or talked about it. She keeps everything bottled in and it's eating away at her slowly.

She already lost ten pounds and she wasn't even that big before. I've had to take her to the hospital twice so that they can feed her through a tube. 

My mother cries and prays for her everyday but she treats her like she's not even there. Crystal and Terrae calls to check up on her but she never answers so they call me instead. When they visit, she locks herself in my room or the bathroom. Nobody has seen her but me and my mom.

I think she'd be ashamed if they saw her because of the state she's in. Not everything is completely healed yet and she keeps saying she's ugly because of it. When really, she couldn't be more beautiful.

I heard shuffling in the next room, where she now slept, causing me to get up and find out what she's doing. 

Looking through the door, I saw her put on some over-sized sweats and a hoodie. That's all she wore when she went out. She put on some shades to cover her swollen eyes.

"Babe, I don't want you going out by yourself again." I spoke up making her turn around to face me.

She scoffed, "Please. What else worse can happen? Maybe you'd get there faster next time."

She was about to push past me but I grabbed her arm. "India stop. I thought you were with August or something. Your phone was off. I used to do that all the time when I wasn't try'na keep talking to a person. I'm sorry. I should've known you weren't gonna do that but my insecurities got the best of me."

She looked down at my hand that was firm on her arm before snatching away and continuing to walk out of the house. I sighed and watched her walk away through the window by the door.

My phone started ringing AGAIN causing me to smack my lips. If this bitch don't stop calling me, I'm gonna have to beat her ass one good time. Or at least get someone else to do it.

I answered and sternly stated, "Stop calling my damn phone," before hanging up in her face.

If I would have known that Raye's ass was crazy like this, I wouldn't have hooked up with her. All month she's been calling me non-stop even after I told her what happened to India.

I see she just doesn't give up. It's like she has no compassion. All India does is roll her eyes when she calls me; I don't think she really cares anymore.

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