Chapter 4

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***The next day***


I yawned as I witnessed the new girl walk in with Crystal.

My mouth fell ajar.

She was dressed comfortable but man, could she pull that shit off. Her hair was curly and long. I could pull that shit all night long.

Her breasts were huge; just the way I like it. Although you could barely see them through that big ass sweater she’s wearing. She wore little make-up so I know she’s naturally beautiful.

"Damn…" I mumbled.

She didn’t say much to anyone, just plopped down in the seat behind Crystal. She immediately put her head down and I turned to Crystal.

"That’s your sister?" I questioned.

"Yeah," she replied with a slight attitude, "her name is India in case you were wondering."

I nodded in understanding and turned back. I felt eyes on me and looked to the side to see Kayla glaring at me with narrow eyes.

The fuck? I didn’t even do anything. Just asked if the bitch is her sister. She rolled her eyes and looked away, causing me to sigh in frustration. I bet she’s gonna think something’s up now. 

She better not try to check me on nothing because I do what the fuck I want.

Nolen wasn’t here with me for us to clown on her ass so I just shrugged it off.

When the bell finally rang, I packed all my shit and decided to welcome the new girl like I welcomed Crystal. 

Right before I did, I just had to look at Kayla and smirk.

"Hey," I said walking up to her, "India right?"

"Who wants to know?" she retorted with attitude laced in her voice. I tried not to get mad because she really don’t know me. I would make her life a living hell.

"Christopher Brown. This school’s infamous basketball star." I got to admit, I was TOO cocky with that last sentence.

"Oh you play basketball?" she asked in the same attitude. I nodded.

"I’m not interested in you." she simply said walking away. I grabbed her arm causing her to stop and roll her eyes.

"You don’t know me."

"Well, Christopher, from this slight conversation, I’ve noticed that you’re full of yourself. Chances are you’re a ball-hog on the court and don’t want anyone to steal your ‘spotlight’. And if I want to go anywhere with basketball, I can’t waste my time on a self-centered ego-maniac that thinks he can get into any girl’s pants. Goodbye." 

She walked away, stuffing her headphones in her ears as I sat there in awe. No one ever shut me, Chris “the King” Brown, down like that and like I said before; she don’t know me.

She’s going to regret she ever said that.


I got heated just thinking about that little thing Chris tried to pull.

I swear I need to find me a nigga that’s gonna treat me right! The only thing keeping me with Chris’ selfish ass is his dick game and all the benefits. He might be an asshole but he sure does like to spoil his girl!

I scanned around the hallway looking for the new girl so I can catch her before the bell rings.

I finally saw her at her locker with her headphones blasting music. I walked up and tapped on her shoulder as she took one out.

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