Chapter 25

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Waking up next to Kayla, I started to freak out.

I already knew that I gave into her. I don't even know why I even bothered to pick her up because I know how she is.

Sighing lightly, I reached over and grabbed my phone off of the nightstand next to my bed before checking the notifications. I had like five missed calls and thirteen text messages from Raye. It wasn't even half passed one yet.

I knew she would trip if she found out why I left last night. And above everything, it was my ex.

I decided to go to basketball practice today to get my mind off of everything. I don't really feel guilty but I don't feel like hearing no shit from Kayla about getting back together just because we fucked.

I knew my coach was gonna cuss me the hell out because I haven't been going to practice lately but I'm not worried because it ain't like he's gonna take me off the team.

I texted Raye back so she won't blow up my phone for these next few hours.

To: Raye Bae 😘💕💍💗

I woke up in the middle of the night n left babe. But ima 'bout to go to basketball practice so I'll hyu afterwards.

Getting off of the bed slowly, I walked over to my closet to change into some basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I decided to put off my shower until after I come out of practice because it seemed logical.

After I got dressed and put on some shoes, I checked to see if Kayla was still asleep and sure enough, she was still knocked out cold.

After we fucked last night, she went ahead and told me that she was about three months pregnant with August's baby.

Knowing me, I flipped the fuck out. How the hell you gonna tell me you got knocked up right after we had sex? That's some trifling shit.

But she played ths crying card and I honestly hate seeing females cry so I let it go and forgave her. It ain't like we can take the shit back anyways.

I just can't believe her little ass went out and got pregnant by August. Of all niggas.

Maybe things worked out for the better though because if she would've still been with me, I might have been the one to get her knocked up and that's a no no.

The crazy shit about it is, August doesn't even know. I didn't even know at first until she told me. Then I really started looking at her stomach and saw the baby bump she had going on there.

I'm gonna take her to see if she can find out the gender or whatever after I get out of basketball practice.

Checking my phone, I had got a text back from Raye saying "ok" so I locked my phone up without replying and headed out the door.

I walked out before locking the door and walking over to my car. I was hungry so I was most likely gonna stop at McDonald's before I headed over to my school.

I really wanted breakfast but it was too late to get it so I just ordered a Big Mac with large fries and called it a day.

I swear McDonald's fries are the best to me.

I finished my food in no time and arrived at the school in about fifteen minutes. There wasn't a lot of cars parked like usual because it was Saturday and only the coaches and people on the basketball team were supposed to be here.

Getting out of my car, I stopped by the trash can first to throw my things away then I went inside through the gym entrance.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Christopher Brown. I almost forgot what you look like." I heard as soon as I walked through the gym doors.

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