The Beginning of Dark

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"This is my first time ever doing a fanfiction. Please don't judge too hard. I know this statement is very cleché.

After school, I was walking through the park. I was tired so I sat down on the nearest bench and scrolled through YouTube to find that Markiplier had uploaded a video since he had been sick, which seems to happen a lot. After resting for just a short while I trudged home. I first expected to see mom but instead found a note that told me that my mom was out at a café with her friend to discuss dating and children. My dad left us when I was four. I guess it wasn't too bad since I was too young to know what divorce was.

My dad is a policeman and my mom is a secretary for a college professor. Sometimes when I tell people that my parents have divorced, they feel like I've forbidden them to talk about it. My parents are actually on wonderful terms. They talk and laugh as if they were good friends. After a while, Dad can get a bit hard to be with. You guess he was just born that way and it's sad that I'm similar to him in how I treat my friends.

I quickly sat my stuff down and grabbed a snack. I turned on Markiplier's new video, and what I saw didn't surprise me. It's just Mark being stoic in front of his camera and laughing at Bob's consolidation logic. "It's consolidation. We need to be compacted to maximum fill." Said Bob from the screen as Wade's cries for help went unacknowledged by both of the gamers.

After a while, I got a call from my mother.

"Hey, baby! I will be out even longer than I expected"

"why?" I asked.

" Because the singles club is going out to eat dinner together. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all" I replied," I love you, Mama!"

"Love you, baby!"

I like being alone. I was an only child until about seven years ago. My dad had a second kid named John. I love him but I don't see him every day. That is probably the reason that we barely fight with each other, whereas most siblings would.

I continued doing other things like playing on the Xbox and even cooking an early dinner. I looked at the clock and it read 5:00. 'That's weird' I thought.' I swore I got home at 4:30. Not to mention I have been occupying myself for almost three hours now.' The power abruptly shut off.

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