(credits in the photo)

Aside for the fact that Kongpob chose that photo, there was also a handwritten message behind the picture.

PinkCoffee I am delighted and honored for supporting me. It must be hard taking this shot. There were so many people that day.

Arthit foung himself nodding while reading.

I don't remember much of that event except that I had a lot of fun because I had spent it with you guys. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful remembrance of it.

The ordeal he suffered that time was worth it seeing this message from his favorite celebrity. He really did get sick from the heat and the time he spent soaked from the endless spray of water. It took a whole 3 days for him to recover.

Extremely satisfied with the kit, he checked out the rest. The gift bag from the management was the usual gift bag one would expect from a fan meet except for a limited edition badge that all participants would be able to receive. The badge is a in a form of Kongpob's initials K and S with a small 4-leaf clover that signified luck. The male celebrity had mentioned it numerous times in his interviews that his fans are his lucky charm and thus the added clover on the badge.

Kongpob's gift bag was different and really personal. It contained things that the male liked. The first thing you will notice is the reusable gift bag. Kongpob had always been in favor of reducing waste and had participated in numerous events related to it. When Arthit looked inside the bag, there's a sample-sized ground coffee, a small notebook filled with little doodles from the celebrity and special dates in the male's life. There's also some snacks from his favorite shops and a Polaroid photo. What's amazing about the gift bag was a letter personally handwritten by Kongpob! 

Hello! My lovely fan. 

From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful that we have crossed paths.

You are my strength when I am tired.

You are my warmth when I am cold and lonely. 

A lot of things can happen in our lives and I may make mistakes that will hurt you. When that time comes, may you forgive me. 

I may not remember your name or your face but I am sure that I would remember the love you gave me as you supported me all this time. 

Thank you and I love you.

~Kongpob Suttiluck

Arthit had his hands over his chest, regretting reading the letter in public. He couldn't fully express his happiness from such words coming from his favorite celebrity. It feels really different now that he had a relationship with Kongpob. The feelings were more intense.  

He breathe in and out a couple of times. Even though they had something going on, he was still Kongpob's fanboy. Fanboying doesn't end. 

Arthit checked the time and there were still some time left before the event starts. He had already entered the venue and began setting up his camera. All fansite masters that were seated in the same row as him were doing the same. It was like their personal duty to take good photos of Kongpob even though the management had informed them that they could chose not to pick up their cameras and just enjoy the event. They all couldn't do it. Arthit felt that it would be a shame not to take a photo of it.

"You're PinkCoffee.", a female voice confidently spoke behind him. Arthit turned around to see a petite female wearing an ID tag 'KongRevolution'. She was smiling with her hand waiting for a handshake. Liking her attitude and the fact that he was wearing a mask, he shook his hand and nodded.  "Nice to meet you KongRevolution. I like your work."

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