No maximum

630 57 54

English Teacher: I want a minimum of 300 words.

That night:

Me: *Doing hw*

Me: *Gets to about half way*

Me: *Counts words*

Me: 550 words at half way point.

Me: She wanted a minimum of 300.

Me: Everyone else will probably do about 300 words.

Me: I've already done 550, and I'm only about 1/2 way through.

Me: Whatever. She never said what the maximum was.

But seriously, though. Does anyone else have this problem with creative writing? Sometimes I'm really bored and it's really shit, but sometimes I get a good idea and I get kinda carried away. I know I'm not the only one *cough@GabriellaScarlettcough* (or maybe even *cough@gabriellascarlettcough*). But is there anyone else out there that I dint know who shares my pain?


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