Not exactly a joke

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Pledge to Demigods:

I'll remember Percy when I sail off to sea,

I'll remember Annabeth when a spider comes at me.

I'll remember Jason when when I see black clouds in the sky,

I'll remember Piper when I feel true love nearby.

I'll remember Frank when I hear somebody say, "Yum."

I'll remember Hazel when I see a girl with no mum.

I'll remember Leo when I see an orange flame,

I'll remember Nico when I see a boy with no fame.

I'll remember Percabeth when my life feels like hell,

I'll remember Jiper when a name rings no bells.

I'll remember Frazel when I feel ultimate trust,

I'll remember Caleo when I see a heart crushed to dust.

I'll remember Rachel when I paint a picture by me,

I'll remember Grover when I climb up a tall tree.

I'll remember Thalia when I'm at a great height,

I'll remember Zoe and Calypso when I see the stars at night.

I'll remember Bianca when I mourn at someone's death,

I'll remember Luke when I take my final breath.

I've seen this loads with slightly different wording, but this a version that my friend sent me, and I think it's beautiful. I just added the lines about Percabeth, Jiper, Frazel and Caleo.

I'm sorry that this is all HoO at the moment. I'll try to include some more of the other fandoms, but I'm re-reading all the Percy Jackson books at the moment so I'm prepared for BoO. I'm worried I'll finish weeks before BoO comes out, because I've got about a month to read two books! I'll have read loads on Wattpad and the book I'm surpossed to be reading for school so I don't get too ahead of myself!

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