To Will

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So. I am halfway through Clockwork Prince, and I'm dying. Don't read this poem I wrote if you haven't read TID. May contain SPOILERS!!!!. You have been warned.

To Will Herondale
From the Fangirls.

Even before your story's done
We know this love will stop our hearts,
So we point at our heads a loaded gun
And fill our chests with poisoned darts,
Lest we bare the same fate as Ella.

We pretend that we hate each hateful word,
Each hurtful remark that leaves her pale.
But it's like these comments were never heard.
We love you blindly, to no avail,
So we'll bare the same fate as Ella.

Hmmm. Just re read this after finishing TID. The facts aren't all correct, but I didn't know that when I wrote it. Is it too cheesy do you think?

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