Fandom Day Out

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I went into town today, and I was walking down this little ally that I'd never been down before. It was covered in graffiti. Then I saw an amazhang thing. One section of the wall was entirely graffitied with Harry Potter!! It was amazing!! So, naturally, I stopped and took a picture.

Then when I got back to the car I noticed again some more of my favourite graffiti in the city. On a wall next to the car park was this massive painting of Sherlock looking through his magnifying glass.

Then in the Sainsbury's car park I saw a car with the number plate VDZ, which my mind connected to Valdez, and another car with the number plate TRS. Sooo nearly Tris!!

Then when I was nearly home I saw my Mum's friend in her car. Her number plate is HPJ. So annoyingly close to Harry's initials!!

So that was my fandom day out. Anyone else had a day like this? Comment if you have, because I want to know that the Gods of Fandom are smiling upon us Fangirls and Fanboys.

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