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I am just beginning to realise the true power Authors have over me. And not just when I'm reading their books.

Hmm. I'm not explaining this very well. So I'll use the only media I have remote skill in. I'll tell you a story.

So a couple of years ago I was one of those people who thought nerds weren't cool. I though geeks were cool, but not nerds. I'm not sure why. But then this book kept popping up all over the place. My friends were reading it, and telling me it was amazing. So, of course, I bought the book. And I read it. The book was The Fault in our Stars.

Needless to say, I loved it. I became obsessed with tfios. I soon went in hunt of more, and my searches led me to John Green, and Vlogbrothers. They showed me with a few videos that being a nerd was far from bad.

It's been two years now, and although I lack the brains and energy to be a full on nerd, I support and admire them.

What I am trying to say is John and Hank have power over me because of tfios. They told me nerds are cool, and I believed them. I think that that is a good thing, because I am now a more excepting person. But what if they had told me something horrible. What if some Nazi supporter had written an amazing book, then I had joined the fandom. Would there be a whole fandom of Nazi supporters? How far does our love and trust in authors go? Do we follow them blindly? Because let's be real, an army of Nazi Fangirls would be a heck of a lot scarier than actual Nazis.

Just my scary thought for the day.

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